Native Brazilians set up a 'natural pharmacy' in Downtown So Paulo
Member of the Kadiwéu tribe wear headdresses and advertise their wares using microphones and loudspeakers
Sep.20.2018 10:03AM
Mariana Zylberkan
"This is São Paulo's bellybutton," says Macsuara Kadiwéu, 60, in front of Father José de Anchieta, in Praça da Sé (See Square). The Jesuit Anchieta is celebrated as one of São Paulo's founders.
Despite the monument's prominence on the priest, Kadiwéu stops to read the story of Tibiriçá, portrayed in bronze in the back and explains the place's symbolism. "This also is part of our history,"
This is why he chose to set up his stand of medicinal herbs, near Tibiriçá's remains, buried in the Sé Cathedral crypt.
Member of the Kadiwéu tribe, located in the border of the state of Mato Grosso do Sul with Paraguay, Macsuara says he's been traveling all over Brazil for the last 40 years to spread the word about indigenous medicine, which uses plants as medicine.

Native Brazilians and their stand selling medicinal plants in the heart of São Paulo's financial district - Folhapress