Norwich timber henge burnt in Neolithic winter solstice excavated
21 hours ago

The late Neolithic to Bronze Age monument is close to many other prehistoric sites, including burial barrows and mines
By Katy Prickett
BBC News, East
A 5,000-year-old timber circle burnt down during a Neolithic midwinter solstice has been excavated for the first time since the 1930s.
Arminghall Henge, just outside Norwich, was discovered by a pilot in 1929 surveying for ancient monuments.
The blaze would have created "a hell of a bonfire which burnt for days", archaeologist Andy Hutcheson said.
Dr Hutcheson said following the dig they now believe it was deliberately set alight during a winter gathering.

Archaeologists & volunteers at Arminghall HengeIMAGE SOURCE,ANDY HUTCHESON
Archaeologists excavated a post hole examined 90 years ago as well as one not previously touched
Radiocarbon dating in 2010 suggested it was built between 3525BC to 2700BC.