Atheists & Agnostics
Related: About this forumIt makes me feel all warm inside that the Christians in this country
who have thrown in with Donald Trump, have sold their birthright for a mess of pottage.
and disgusting pottage at that.
Yes, we'll never have to listen to anything that evangelicals have to say about what they think is "moral", ever again.

Eliot Rosewater
(32,674 posts)misogyny.
The modern conservative christian movement is simply a more sanitized version of the KKK or John Birch Society.
Angry Dragon
(36,693 posts)runs in their blood.............sins of the father and all that
(63,499 posts)and part 2:
hope I got these right - didn't review them - tell me if I screwed up
(51,083 posts)Should be viewed by all.
(63,499 posts)Sure ain't the story you get in the MSM
(3,194 posts)Pedophile repubs = O.K.
Pedophile Democrats = THROW 'EM IN JAIL!
(1,474 posts)Are using the cover of being a Christian to justify their hatred and hypocrisy.
(4,033 posts)...quite gratifying, especially coming from an ex-RNC chair.
Now anyone can tell the theocratic RWNJ's to STFU. They have invalidated any presumed moral position they may have had with their new Mulligan Theology.
(11,436 posts)i can't wait to tell them to stfu. it will be richly deserved
(52,672 posts)They are such fucking hypocrites that they always have some BS, nonsensical come back to any argument which makes no sense to any rational person. They think if they say it over and over and over...that you will eventually give up and they will feel they have one another round. Same old, same old. It is a con man's game...snake oil salesmen!
(577 posts)The Romans threw Christians to the lions!
(1,200 posts)uriel1972
(4,261 posts)to assert the Bible is Literal and Inerrant Truth, is not only capable of supporting that person, but commiting all sorts of atrocities.
(14,377 posts)That the same people who said Obama was a Muslim are now saying that Trump is a Christian.