Atheists & Agnostics
Related: About this forumWhat evidence would it take...
Last edited Sun Mar 11, 2018, 11:21 AM - Edit history (1)
...for you to believe and suffer all the "I told you so's" that would inevitably come your way?
Reportedly Bill Maher is quoted to have said:
"If Jesus Christ were to appear and descend to the 50 yard line at the super bowl, I would say "huh...look at that...I was wrong'. Until then, I consider the story bullshit"
But for me, such a meager stunt would be insufficient and my criteria would likely be multifaceted and include at least the following:
1) Eliminate all childhood cancers, disease and starvation now and in the future.
2) Heal all amputees and disfigured people in a non-painful manner (as per their desires) but change nothing of the past, keep the record of your previous inaction intact.
I'm sure this has been brought up and enumerated before, and since I started my list without any research I'm curious about what you would require, off the cuff, so to speak?
PS (upon edit)
I ask mainly to to create a list for those theists who might insist on asking what my/our criteria might include.
I in no way expect to ever have the chance to inspect the work of some deity and check off the boxes as completed.
This exercise is entirely hypothetical and academic.

mountain grammy
(27,573 posts)fuck god.
(29,941 posts)What do you want God to say when you get to the gates of heaven?
Lipton said he hoped: see here James, you were wrong but we will let you in anyway!!
The one and only thing... the thing I cant believe any god wont do....
End child exploitation, rape, torture and trafficking.
(7,349 posts)is where any "faith" I might have possessed goes out the window.....
Amen, LA
(49,533 posts)and how it's supposed to explain why there's so much shitty stuff in this world.
ANY plan that requires innocent people to suffer is a steaming pile of horseshit. Any god who set up a such a plan isn't worthy of our respect.
(29,941 posts)Babies must die in horrible ways.
(49,533 posts)...that god completely and arbitrarily made up.
(29,941 posts)Rules dont matter anyway, if in your last two seconds on earth you repent. 🙏🏻
(13,882 posts)If it were Shiva that showed up I'd like to know what the Christians would have to say about it. As for me, I'd be laughing my ass off.
Evidence? It wouldn't take much. There just isn't even the slightest notion of a deity outside of humankind's creative delusions.
(791 posts)NeoGreen
(4,033 posts)...well received song.
And welcome to DU!
and welcome to A&A!
(791 posts)...and thank you for the welcomes.
(48,730 posts)"It's a miracle."
(15,316 posts)But as Arthur Clark pointed out, whatever miracle is demonstrated just exposes our ignorance, it is not a proof of godliness.
See for example cargo cults.
(4,033 posts)...(and feigned "ouch", should have thought of that)...
Plus I was thinking about my examples after I made my post, where Monty Python has made sufficient short work of the consequences of healing some and not healing all "afflictions" as highlighted in the "alms for an ex-leper" and "bald-patch" scenes:
Ron Obvious
(6,261 posts)The best evidence provided (such as the examples in here) would only demonstrate a superbly powerful or technically advanced creature that we could not understand yet.
(22,483 posts)And I'd ask her, why, as I get smarter, and figure out the world, does my body have to slowly fall apart......WHO thought of that?????
(24,741 posts)So I was paraphrasing, but I was close
(48,730 posts)Nothing less.
So far, no god is there.
(7,886 posts)And every interaction with theists.
(16,587 posts)If there's evidence for God, you would "know" "a posteriori" that he exists. But the whole point of religious belief is "knowing" "a priori".
2. No evidence would ever be good enough.
The problem is simple: How can we tell an infinitely powerful God apart from a finitely powerful impostor?
(4,033 posts)..."Who created Q?"
(15,401 posts)1. Evidence destroys faith, not belief. They are not the same. Please see especially definition 3:
2. No evidence may ever be good enough for you, but many religious people claim there is ample evidence of the existence of their god(s).
There's no reason to assume a god has to be infinitely powerful. If a finite impostor is powerful enough to appear to be infinite, maybe it should be considered a god in its own right.
(16,587 posts)Mariana
(15,401 posts)Seems to me that if one god provides compelling evidence for its existence, and none of the others do, then that god becomes THE god by default, regardless of its particular attributes.
(16,587 posts)If a being is sufficiently, finitely powerful to count as a god relative to you, then you are willing to worship it?
Where do you draw the line between finitely powerful human and finitely powerful god?
(15,401 posts)First, very few of the thousands of proposed gods throughout history were/are believed to be infinitely powerful. Therefore, by definition, infinite power is not required for a being to be a god.
Second, I never said what I would consider to be compelling evidence, and I didn't define what I would consider to be a god. You have no idea what it would take. As I said, many religious people say they have compelling evidence now of the existence of their various gods. I'm an atheist, so obviously I disagree with all of them.
Third, belief and worship are completely different questions. If I were to be convinced that a particular god exists, it doesn't follow that I would worship that god. If I consider a god to be morally repugnant by my standards, I would not only refuse to worship it, I would actively oppose it. Wouldn't you?
(35,525 posts)I would question my mental fitness. Subjective experience is not trust worthy. I make mistakes in what I think and see all the time.
So some type of testable and verifiable event would go a long way.
Say the Dems take over Congress and the next day Trump and Pence drop dead, placing the Dem Speaker in the White House.
(2,694 posts)if there is an all-powerful god, it can make me believe.
Jesus descending to the 50-yard-line is funny, but ultimately fake-able. Also, we know humans are susceptible to hallucinations.
Thus, for me to believe in an all-powerful god, that god would have to go into my brain and make a change.
(15,401 posts)That's why they use terminology like "born again".
If it doesn't happen to you, of course, it's your fault.