Atheists & Agnostics
Related: About this forumWhy are agnostics being bashed in this group?
I thought this was supposed to be a safe haven, not a group for bashing agnostics.
Atheism is not about Hate.
Atheism is about Love.

(138,485 posts)ANYTHING is possible, so AGNOSTIC 'wins.'
old as dirt
(1,972 posts)He called himself an agnostic in front of academic audiences, and an atheist in front of lay audiences, presumably due to his perception that different audiences have different definitions of the word "possible".
(138,485 posts)'I've come to the position that in the complete absence of any supporting data whatsoever for the persistence of the individual in some spiritual form, it is necessary to operate under the provisional conclusion that there is no afterlife and then be ready to amend that if I find out otherwise.' === agnosticism. unknown or unknowable.
old as dirt
(1,972 posts)That way it doesn't sound like somebody swearing off booze.
But then, no advertising firm ever hired me to sell soap.
Selling booze illegally is a part of my wife's religion (Roman Catholic). It's called "chancuco", and is a very strong form of aguardiente.
You can see this religious practice demonstrated here in near the end of this video:
Cantaoras Del Patia - Historia y Trayectoria
(15,309 posts)There are these two dimensions to both theism and atheism: knowledge and belief.
I dont believe in any gods, so I am an atheist. I cannot prove the non existence of any gods, so I do not know with absolute certainty that no gods have ever existed anywhere. So I am an agnostic atheist.
There are also agnostic theists.
old as dirt
(1,972 posts)(OK, I might make an exception for "apatheist". That lone is clever.)
More of an old-school atheist here, I suppose. But if we're going to talk about agnostic athiests, then I suppose you can call me an atheist atheist, or a Wellstone atheist, that is, I'm in the atheist wing of the atheist party.
It's just my belief. It's not something that I feel obligated to prove, whatever that would mean. I only prove mathematical theorems. I don't even know what it would mean for somebody to prove something outside of mathematics.
Cuthbert Allgood
(5,209 posts)And there is nothing "newfangled" about those terms. One is about belief and the other about certainty.
Sherman A1
(38,958 posts)Regularly. I care not one bit what people choose to believe or not. It is none of my business until they attempt to force their beliefs onto me.
(34,991 posts)Best fit for me.
(19,422 posts)has always worked best for me.
Atheist and Agnostic are words coined by religious believers to describe those not indoctrinated in religious dogma.
Humanist, or secular humanist are the words we chose to describe our non-belief.
Works for me.
(34,991 posts)Found this yesterday on Daily Kos.
Humanism is simply an ethical and philosophical viewpoint that sees individuals having the freedom to choose their own values and goals. Humanism emphasizes common human needs and seeks rational ways of solving human problems. In this way, Humanism utilizes scientific methods as well as the fact-based findings of the various sciences.
As an ethical and moral philosophy Humanism carries with it a responsibility for living in a manner that is considerate towards others. A.C. Grayling, in The God Argument: The Case Against Religion and for Humanism, writes:
As a broad ethical outlook, humanism involves no sectarian divisions or strife, no supernaturalism, no taboos, no food and dress codes, no restrictive sexual morality other than what is implicit in the demand to treat others with respect, consideration and kindness.
very good long article
(19,422 posts)It describes humanism far batter than almost anything I've ever come across.
I've subscribed to "Skeptical Inquirer" magazine for many, many years, and 'The Center for Inquiry' their headquarters, is less than an hours drive from my home. Over the years I've been able to hear some of the greatest Humanists in lecture, including Richard Dawkins.
They're a wealth of knowledge and a terrific resource for cutting through the mountains of bullshit piled in front of the truth today.
(34,991 posts)"Ethical Society". A great one to google.
(19,422 posts)We can't get people to treat each other humanely, and you want ethics?
I'll check it out when I have time to give it the attention it deserves. Thanks again.
(15,309 posts)It has one simple property: lack of belief in any gods.
old as dirt
(1,972 posts)Other than that, it's about nothing.
(15,309 posts)In any gods. That is all it is.
Doc Sportello
(7,962 posts)I may have missed these posts bashing or attacking agnostics but I didn't see one. So please enlighten me with links, comments, etc.
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(1,972 posts)Doc Sportello
(7,962 posts)Try answering that. You made a claim that agnostics are being bashed in this group. Can you back that up?
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(1,972 posts)SergeStorms
(19,422 posts)Had someone else posted this, and you're taking exception with it because they agree with this? Or are you displeased with Cameron's views?
You posted something, and now you're angry with something you posted here?
Forgive me, but I don't see what the issue is here. I'd genuinely appreciate it if you could explain how others are attacking agnostics.
old as dirt
(1,972 posts)It's not mine.
Not angry either. Not sure where you got that idea.
Doc Sportello
(7,962 posts)Did you do a lot of acid back in the hippie days?
(19,422 posts)but you seem to be demanding answers from others about Cameron's views, as to whether it's acceptable in making agnostics' views respected in this forum?
I'm confused about this entire thread. 🤯 Maybe this entire thread is being argued in jest and I'm reading something into this that isn't really there?
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(1,972 posts)Wasn't clear to me that it was noticed.
Doc Sportello
(7,962 posts)SergeStorms
(19,422 posts)Like trying to discuss the Golden Fang with Bigfoot.
Doc Sportello
(7,962 posts)Thanks, that made me laugh.
And to think I was on a jury for this poster and voted to acquit. If only I had known then.
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(1,972 posts)Any particular post that offended folks?

Doc Sportello
(7,962 posts)Try asking which one.
old as dirt
(1,972 posts)Obviously, the post was OK, given your ruling and the ruling of the other jurors.
I'll try to make sure you aren't bothered with jury duty for my posts in the future.
You did your duty, and you did it well.
Good work!
Doc Sportello
(7,962 posts)It was the reason I asked if you did a lot of acid. My typical approach is to vote not no unless it is obviously a violation. It was so bizarre that I let it pass. And it takes a majority for it to be convicted, so there could have been just as many read to convict. They probably thought it was as bizarre as I did. You don't have to worry about me being a juror. I try to be honest in my dealings with other posters. You should try it.
old as dirt
(1,972 posts)If you find that bizarre, you find that bizarre.
That's not something that I can fix.
old as dirt
(1,972 posts)It implies that I've somehow been less than honest, which would of course be a lie, if that is how you intended it to sound.
(162,218 posts)while knowing that attributing it to some almighty omnipotent being is just ludicrous, total nonsense