Atheists & Agnostics
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I am an agnostic, and I am not keen on dogma or a hierachy. However, I really cant stand people who claim God talks to them. They are either insane or they are charlatans, esp. televangelists. Where is the accountability?

(11 posts)There was a TV series where a character said 'Who is crazy? The man who hears thunder and thinks it's God or the man who heads God and thinks it's thunder?'
Just because you don't believe in God doesn't mean there isn't one.
Dave Bowman
(4,756 posts)walkingman
(8,908 posts)Croney
(4,937 posts)surfered
(5,377 posts)Theyve shifted the blame for their own actions from themselves.
(49,468 posts)Charmin One
(256 posts)I especially reject televangelist charlatans claiming to hear god.
(49,468 posts)Charmin One
(256 posts)I wonder how people can find them accountable. Taxes?
(1,294 posts)"Contact" with Jodie Foster as the scientist/atheist and Matthew McConaughey as the theologian.
They have a great discussion about religion vs science.
Very well done.
2010 - Space Odyssey 2
The very important part of the movie was the main character not only hearing voices but seeing an apparition. He had to convince a Soviet official in the spacecraft they were all in that he was told that they all had to leave where they were in space ASAP-- a seemingly impossible task --- to save their lives.
And as far as hearing voices, whether from God ,drugs or schizophrenia, impossible to prove or disprove.
It's how convincing you are when you try to tell others about it.
Charmin One
(256 posts)Thats how some holy rollers avoid accountability.
(13,964 posts)The more important question is if you believe there is a super being that intervenes in our lives.
Now we go back to the words of St. George of Carlin. (Paraphrase) IF he exists, and he is "perfect," why does he always need money?
Charmin One
(256 posts)Last edited Tue Oct 15, 2024, 01:23 AM - Edit history (1)
A. I think so, but Im not sure
B. Dunno
C. Doesnt everyone need money? /sarc
(13,964 posts)if he had attended any of Rev. Ike's services, God would have been driving his own Cadillac down 5th Avenue.
(12,675 posts)Timeflyer
(3,029 posts)It speaks, and they have permission to abuse/subjugate those silly "weaker vessels" known as women. Mysterious ways, amiright?
Charmin One
(256 posts)The opportunists
(25,124 posts)of their personalities boggles the mind. God speaks to ME! Only I know what He wants. I'm His favorite! I'm special. And I'm always right.
(128 posts)People who claim GOD talks to them are the same as people who send Santa Claus letters to the North Pole, and those who gather Easter eggs left them by a rabbit..
They are not to be taken seriously.
(5,060 posts)you're suppose to take it in faith that they tell you the truth! I say again... LOL!
I don't know about all Christian religions, but I was raised in my early years as Evangelical/Charismatic. We were taught that Gods voice doesn't come to us through booming voice, or a burning bush anymore. The prophets of God are gone now; they have all been accounted for.
We were taught that the still, small voice you hear when you're very quiet, is God talking to you. And you are NOT suppose to be bragging about it, declaring the word of god, or any of the other blasphemous things these same people tell people today.
When I stopped my seeking of commonalities among ALL religions, I settled into Paganism. Not necessarily because I anthropomorphize Gods and Goddesses, i guess to an extent I'm still agnostic, though I've been Pagan for over 40+ years... BUT I came to recognize that "still small voice" inside me was my instinct... my gut instinct... that always picks up on cues, words, and signs that may be invisible to the eyes and ears. Our mind constantly processes all this information we don't realize we're taking in... and inside ourselves, we know what's right and moral for ourselves and those around us.
I don't know if its biblical or not... but the "Lord helps those who help themselves" made more sense to me than anything else I remember from my "churchy" days. Gods, thank goodness they're over. I'll take common sense with a solemn space of ritual for individual comfort, and a madcap feast afterwards anyday!
Buzz cook
(2,689 posts)There are other choices than crazy of charlatan.
Lots of religious people here the voice of god but not as verbal communication. They interpret things that happen around them as messages from god.
I've known many people like that and they are neither grifters or mentally ill. They are just trained to see things around them as reinforcing their beliefs.
I think they are looking for patterns and ignoring the misses while high lighting the hits
Charmin One
(256 posts)Signs of God can exist IMO, but actually hearing Gods voice is either wack or its a sham.
Buzz cook
(2,689 posts)or a dream.