Colour me shocked - "Homeopathy is bunk", study says
Homeopathy is no more effective than a placebo, according to an extensive study by a peak science body.
The draft paper by Australia's National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) assessed research into the effectiveness of the alternative medicine on 68 health conditions and concluded there is no reliable evidence that homeopathy is effective.
No doubt, as some in GD would tell you, the experts were all paid off by Big Pharma.
(20,013 posts)muriel_volestrangler
(102,870 posts)Ron Obvious
(6,261 posts)It's almost as though there were nothing IN homeopathic remedies or something....
This shit's all over the place in Europe, especially in Germany. I don't get it. I mean, how COULD it possibly do anything? Most people buying that stuff don't even seem to know what homeopathy IS. They witter on about "natural remedies" and "chemicals" and "big pharma" and have no idea how ignorant they sound.
(46,962 posts)TheCrankyLiberal
(35 posts)"The first homeopath in Germany was of course Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy, who also was the first teacher of homeopathy at the university level. "
"In the 19th century, homeopathy took strong hold among the aristocracy and the intelligentsia. One of the biggest impacts was produced by the publishing of two homeopathic self-care books, where the treatment of common sicknesses with homeopathic remedies has been described, by Carl G. Casparis homeopathic house and traveling practitioner and by Constatin Hering homeopathic general practitioner, both published by about 1830."
And as medicine evolved through the 30's it appears that Germany worked to put Homeopathy into the capable hands of registered Medical Doctors who could responsibly administer placebo treatments..
(42,998 posts)The idiot poster who used to brag that they searched for medicines with the biggest placebo effect? Ugh...
(436 posts)SHOCKED! I tell you!
(41,316 posts)they do tell you to drink plenty of water when you're ill, so homeopathy might count for that!
(7,886 posts)is diluted, and then put into a pill. so no actual water drunk.
(64,550 posts)So this study is actually an enthusiastic endorsement of homeopathy.
(22 posts)that a book on homeopathy should be 300 blank pages.
(36,358 posts)Since Homeopathic pills and placebos are pretty much made of the same stuff.
(35 posts)It is a modality that has been in practice for hundreds of years and somehow hasn't been stamped out by the AMA or "Big Pharma" two entities that have a history of the relentless dismantling of their enemies.
I have seen it work in areas where folks couldn't afford the medical treatment offerred by the business of medicine. It has sustained and elevated quality of life in India for a very long time. It was a servicable utility before France and Germany had medical infrastructures.
It's everyday place is going away here in the US now that we have coherent laws and programs forming. It is my opinion that an attentive, caring homeopath can help a patient in ways that our still overworked and overpaid doctors just can't.
A well meaning homeopath can offer quality attention and referral for a price that not doctor can beat even with a mountain of subsidy.
(49,533 posts)You should realize that in this group, unfounded and unsupported claims are viewed negatively. If you persist in promoting pseudoscience, you can and will be blocked from this group. Please read the Statement of Purpose and let me know if you have any questions.
(35 posts)I had shared some rather common views and didn't actually do anything other than give my personal experience.. I think for the sake of tolerance we should ask everyone to do the same as is requested of me... Because if I can't put in my unsupported 2cents then I don't think any one else should, fair?
(49,533 posts)Defending the nonsense that is homeopathy is not allowed in this group. There are many subgroups here on DU dedicated to a perspective or range of perspectives; it has nothing to do with shutting anyone else down.
If you don't like it, you are free to promote homeopathy in other groups or forums. But not here.
(35 posts)I was under the misassumption that all areas of DU were for free exchange.. Ill have to look into building my own little Narnia...
mr blur
(7,753 posts)TheCrankyLiberal
(35 posts)"Wouldnt it be amazing if the best of conventional medicine could be used side by side with the best of homeopathy and other CAM modalities? What a healthy world it would be! Sadly, in Australia this is not so, and its far from the first time homeopathy has come under fire from the conventional medicine camp, as well as those in government. Back in the days when homeopathy was first brought into being by Dr Hahnemann in the late seventeen hundreds, he faced incredible opposition from the apothecaries of the time who regularly gave high doses of substances such as mercury, lead, arsenic and other toxic purgatives. It was believed such heroic treatments would rid the body of its evil humors and bring the person back to health. Of course we can only imagine how much extra suffering these so-called treatments caused, on top of the original complaints."
The point of homeopathy from the beginning was to not be so destructive and frantic in our treatments. It was to take our time, talk with and observe so that way we can find an even better way to treat in the future!
(49,533 posts)that defends homeopathy. (aka sugar water)