I've been hanging out in a Flat-Earther-forum for a while. Let me tell you how these people think:
Their knowledge of physics and math is below-average. They can parrot talking-points, but when you try to get into the details, they get all confused and angry.
e.g. When you point out that one of their Flat-Earth-models (the "Universal Acceleration" model) is wrong because of Special Relativity, it becomes clear pretty fast that they don't know how Relativity works.
Every single shred of evidence that Earth is round has been fabricated by an all-powerful cabal that has existed since nobody-knows. Every single astronomer, seafaring captain, cartographer and long-distance pilot is part of this conspiracy.
How do ships and planes still find their way, if all these Spherical-Earth-maps are wrong?
The answer is easy: They all have a super-secret set of accurate Flat-Earth-maps.
The Flat-Earthers have not performed A SINGLE RIGOROUS EXPERIMENT that could prove whether Earth is flat or not. They have run some experiments, but these experiments are so full of mathematical misconceptions and ridiculously inaccurate measurements that the results are entirely meaningless.
For example, one of their favorite arguments is how the "spherical dropoff" isn't real. How a ship that supposedly disappeared beyond the curvature of the horizon can still be seen with a telescope.
And yet NOT A SINGLE FLAT-EARTHER could have been bothered to conduct this experiment in a clean fashion with a telescope, a camera and spirit-level for leveling the setup horizontally.
The only evidence Flat-Earthers have is eyewitness-testimony from fellow Flat-Earthers...
The Flat-Earthers do not have an agreed-upon Flat-Earth-map. When you start asking questions about that map, they wiggle out by saying that nobody knows what the actual geography of Earth is. (But it's definitely flat.)
They debunk your Spherical-Earth-theory with meaningless, faulty experiments full of mistakes.
If you try to prove your Spherical-Earth-theory, then you are fabricating evidence.
When you try to debunk one of their Flat-Earth-theories, they simply come up with a more convoluted and ridiculous one.
When they try to prove... just kidding. Flat-Earthers don't prove anything. They love to wax about the big bad conspiracy and what a Flat Earth could possibly be like, but an absolutely tiny minority is actually interested in running experiments and even then they are not thought-through.
For example, one of them is trying to calculate a map of Earth by comparing how long it takes for commercial flights to go from one city to another.
Ignoring such things as different velocities of the planes, climate, mountains, local air-travel regulations, how long it takes to reach travel-altitude, how long it takes to land...
In order to attack Spherical Earth, some have started attacking the scientific method itself and proposing the zetetic method instead.
The zetetic method postulates that there is no such thing as a finite, constant fact that your investigation could reveal. Your investigation never ends. Which means that Earth cannot be declared spherical on principle.
The Velveteen Ocelot
(122,520 posts)DetlefK
(16,541 posts)It was utterly disappointing.
Conspiracy-theories, esoteric garbage, useless theoretical speculation, ridiculous excuses, and no interest to put their own ideas to the test.
They aren't even interested in piting contradicting Flat-Earth-theories against each other!!!
Some are not even trying to prove that Earth is flat. They are trying to muddy the waters that you can't prove that Earth is spherical.
"Is it flat? Is it round? We cannot know for sure!"
I guess, Flat-Earth-theory is just an excuse for them to feel prosecuted by a secret evil force. Because if there's a secret evil force, that means that they are rebels and heroes.
If it weren't Flat-Earth, it would be something else which can be blamed on an evil conspiracy.
And if there's no evil conspiracy, these people would be nameless nobodies, just like everybody else.
(50,920 posts)Kudos to you for your perseverance.
(7,725 posts)It's a red herring issue. Almost like a chaos experiment.
(67,112 posts)Crutchez_CuiBono
(7,725 posts)this group is based in religious foolishness and home-school type projects. The dumb is strong in those people. Why waste your time?
(18,356 posts)...these folks are below average in being human. they are just ding bats.
(9,748 posts)I imagine you can find humor in visiting these sites. Jim Bakers apocalypse buckets do it for me but there is no way I could deal with flat earthers.
(6,495 posts)The whole thing sounds like a way overextended Monty Python sketch.
(43,049 posts)just trolling us.
My pet theory is that it's a bunch of bored MIT students having a lark that got out of hand.
(2,362 posts)I would expect an MIT student would be much more likely to troll with a hyperbolic paraboloid (a shape where the curvature is negative at every point on the surface). It's actually a pretty cool idea - you would be able, at certain places, to look up into the sky in Seattle and see the southern tip of South America about 8000 miles above you.
(43,049 posts)You head toward the edge and are captured by a relativistic field of time and space which immediately transports you to the other side before you know what's happening.
Cool, eh?
(16,541 posts)If you reach one end of the world, you somehow end up on the other end of the world. As if the world were round but it cannot be round because shuddup.
(16,541 posts)muriel_volestrangler
(102,897 posts)That wouldn't explain the rising and setting of the sun - it would still be well above the horizon when the circle it illuminates moves away from you. How can they ignore the most basic thing about the Sun?
(16,541 posts)You see, the explanation is that there's some convoluted, complicated, undiscovered physical effect who MAKES IT LOOK as if the Sun is setting or rising.
There are 3 types of Flat-Earth-theories:
* Those based on misrepresentations of what scientists said. (Very rare.)
* Those based on faulty experiments. (Rare.)
* Those based on unproven assumptions. (Very common.)
(48,687 posts)Generic Brad
(14,374 posts)I can. He plays guitar for U2.
Ohio Dem
(4,357 posts)I've always wondered WHY the powers that be would bother. Why lie about the earth being spherical for all these centuries? What is their motive?
(16,541 posts)How about...
The powers that be lie about spherical Earth to mislead the public about geography?
Because the public is not allowed to have accurate maps?
Because otherwise they would find... something forbidden?
On the other hand, one could as well find those forbidden areas by taking a hike through the wilderness.
(8,747 posts)Because I wouldn't waste my time. These fuckers are either trolling, or truly ignorant.
(35,307 posts)we can all shake our heads at.
But I have seen the same type of arguments coming from Bible believers.