(592 posts)What about this then?
You can't make this stuff up!!
(20,081 posts)DavidDvorkin
(20,081 posts)muriel_volestrangler
(103,206 posts)DavidDvorkin
(20,081 posts)drm604
(16,230 posts)The styles are similar.
(16,594 posts)First about the author: christian extremist, quotes the Quran but uses anti-semitic slurs?
"Both the stationary Earth and the stationary satellites are electromagnetic phenomena with gravity playing a minor role, if any." - Does this guy know, that electric charges are needed to create electromagnetic forces?
"NO EXPERIMENT HAS SHOWN THE EARTH TO BE MOVING [...]. One would think such speeds would flap one's collar a little even if the "science" establishment says no!"
"Multiple experiments have shown the Earth to be stationary." - Citation needed.
"The logic against a moving Earth is overpowering."
"Copernicanism paved the way for Darwinism (which then spawned Marxism, Freudism, Einsteinism and Saganism.)"
"Star speeds are not a problem when the thickness of the universe is seen to be what it really is, that is, LESS than half a light day thick (8 billion mile radius)." - He believes in Relativity, but not in Newton, Copernicus, Kepler and distance-measurements by telescopes?
"Order book The Earth is NOT Moving HERE (offered for sale on Amazon for $80 used, but you can buy a brand new copy for $20)."
"Free Audio Sessions includes:
* Six Assumptions... but No Science
* Phony Telescopes
* Phony Cameras
* False Redshift
* False Infrared
* Phony Math
* Phony Virtual Reality Technology
* Phony Star Distances"
Okay, there are much funnier ways to waste my time.
newtonian gravity is witchcraft, the aether DOES exist, science-fiction is a tool of mass mind-control, the Moon- and Mars-landings were fake, outrage that the church doesn't condem the copernican model, the Big-Bang-Theory is rooted in Kabbalah-mysticism...
(12,799 posts)a flesh and blood living being in a Common Law jurisdiction, is pulling my leg.
(4,717 posts)I suppose that would be a difficult situation arising from one's head being lodged firmly up one's ass.
(16,594 posts)Adding the prefix ana- ("by" makes it sound like a big word, although it doesn't change the meaning.
(148,664 posts)and screw everything up.
There are trilemmas, too, which screw things up even worse.
When a quadrilemma occurs, though, you have to abandon all hope and not enter at all into the discussion. It is FAIL!
(148,664 posts)had a very limited subset of HTML to work with.
Either that, or it was done in an early version of FrontPage on a blank screen. Uff da!
(29,047 posts)- The major theories of modern science are incapable of proof, cannot be tested or supported by observation, and are not even rational.
- The scientific establishment is atheist to the core. Its agenda is to dethrone God, and its members will go to any and all lengths to deny Him.
- No matter how absurd, unprovable, or ludicrous a theory may be, scientists will always prefer it to belief in God.
- The atheists who dominate Big Science are nasty, foolish, petulant, and intellectually dishonest. Lee Duigon
Big science? Does he post in the Health forum?