Rapping Korean nuns fire up prayer competition

A group of nuns prepare to perform at a Buddhist prayer competition at the Jogyesa temple in Seoul (AAP)
South Korea's top Buddhist organisation held an experimental "prayer competition" Thursday, featuring rapping nuns and singing monks in a bid to attract new, younger followers.
Source AFP
17 Jul 2014 - 7:57 PM UPDATED 17 Jul 2014 - 7:59 PM
More than 300 monks and nuns packed a large temple in downtown Seoul to take part in the competition hosted by the Jogye Order.
Participants -- mostly young monks -- chanted prayers, or invocations, from classic Buddhist scriptures, as well as "freestyle" prayers they composed.
While many delivered traditional, monotone recitations, some opted for something bolder.
A group of three young nuns delivered a blistering performance of a rap song derived from The Heart Sutra -- one of the most popular Buddhist scriptures -- and using their own lyrics promoting love and harmony.
A more traditional rendition of the Heart Sutra.