Arising to the Interconnectedness of Life? A Buddhist Perspective on the Occupy Movement
By Bernie Glassman
Zen master; founder, Zen Peacemakers
Posted: 12/12/11
Indra's Net and the Internet: Arising to the Interconnectedness of Life
Buddha means the "awakened one." Awakened to what?
The definition of Enlightenment in Buddhism is awakening to the interconnectedness of life. This is illustrated through the story of Indra's Net from the Avatamsaka Sutra.
A long time ago, in a far away place, there lived a king. His name was Indra. Indra was a great king. In fact, he was king of all the Gods. One day, he called his architect, Johnny.
"Johnny! I am such a wonderful king that I'd like you to make a monument of me for all people to see." After thinking for a while, Johnny exclaimed, "I've got it! Let's go to the royal treasurer, Sally, because this will be expensive." They went to Sally and Johnny said, "I want to build a monument for our king, Indra. I want it to be a net that extends throughout all space and time and I want to place a bright pearl at each node of the net. Do we have enough resources to build this net?"