2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forumHats Off to the GOP!!!
We Democrats owe you a debt of gratitude. Never before has one party done so much to ensure that their opponents will win an election in a landslide.
In the past year and a half, you GOPers have confirmed, repeatedly and unabashedly, that you are the party of hypocrisy, deceit, misrepresentation of the facts, and out-and-out lies. Your base has now shown itself to be comprised of bigots, racists, misogynists, xenophobes and, above all else, the most ill-informed, ill-educated, dumbasses the world has ever seen.
While still holding yourselves out as the party of good Christian family values, you nominated Donald Trump, a candidate who brags about grabbing womens genitals, who invites men to refer to his own daughter as a piece of ass, whose foundation has collected monies for charitable purposes and spent it on himself and his business enterprises, who hasnt paid federal income taxes for almost two decades, and who has cheated hard-working people out of their money by refusing to honour his debts.
In addition, your candidate has insulted every demographic you need to win an election from minorities, to immigrants, to veterans, to women, to the disabled, as well as those of certain ethnic origins and those of certain religious faiths. He is also facing multiple lawsuits, including allegations of the rape of a minor, and his scam of a university that has bilked our fellow citizens out of their savings.
But wait thats not all, not by a long-shot. The man you chose as the standard-bearer of your party has demonstrated, time and again, that he knows absolutely nothing about how our government works, nothing about foreign affairs, nothing about the economy, the military, the tax system, the Constitution, reducing the deficit, creating jobs, or assisting those in need of affordable healthcare.
As though the aforementioned wasnt enough, your candidate never fails to be abrasive, demeaning, and insufferably self-serving. He has lied so often, even devoted fact-checkers cant keep up with his never-ending spew of facts he literally pulls out of his own ass on a daily basis which are invariably (and somewhat laughingly) debunked.
In your desperation to support a candidate you know to be unfit for the position of dog-catcher in some remote town no one has ever heard of no less the presidency of the United States you have abandoned all pretence of having any ethics, any morals, any honesty, and any concern for the well-being of our country or its citizens.
This has been the election cycle of a lifetime. We sincerely thank you for removing your masks (or hooded white sheets, as the case may be), and putting your full support behind a candidate who represents everything you have heretofore condemned. We thank you for finally exposing what you are as a political entity, how low you are willing to sink, and how hypocritical you are capable of being after decades of declaring yourselves to be honest representatives of Christian principles and wholesome family values.
We, as Democrats, cannot thank you enough for finally outing yourselves, and for displaying your complete disregard for everything you have claimed to stand for. Your better-late-than-never honesty has been invaluable in ensuring Hillary Clintons victory in November.
Although we could have done it without your help, we are grateful for your assistance (albeit unintended) in demonstrating just how incompetent, morally corrupt, and completely vacuous your party and its members are.
A year from now, President Hillary Rodham Clinton will be a reality. And a year from now, Donald Trump will be the guy no one will ever admit to having ever supported, no less voted for.
Your days of being thought of as the party of moral rectitude are finally over. By your own words, American voters now know who you are. Theres no coming back from that; there is no unseeing what has been seen, there is no unhearing what has been heard.
So goodbye, Republicans and thanks for everything! We sincerely appreciate your efforts, however unintended, in electing HRC to the presidency!

(30,459 posts)DemonGoddess
(5,126 posts)viguy2016
(47 posts)Bernie would be up 20 points now
(5,126 posts)and since you're new, understand we do not refight the primaries. That'll get you FFR'd.
(27,835 posts)... a that's kicking the GOP's ass.
Dems are now upping their campaign contributions, along with committing more hours to phone-banking, canvassing, and other GOTV efforts.
And speculating about where Bernie would or wouldn't be at this point is absolutely meaningless.
(47 posts)But I fear you are wrong, and there are forces at work here that we do not fully understand
(27,835 posts)... the "forces at work here" extremely well.
(47 posts)Those are the forces I am talking about. If you would like me to explain why I think that way I will.
(27,835 posts)... that's okay.
But hey, thanks for the offer! I'm sure your explanation would have been - uh - interesting.
(781 posts)ailsagirl
(24,044 posts)

(209 posts)

Wounded Bear
(61,504 posts)ScienceIsGood
(314 posts)winga222
(323 posts)I was actually most worried about complacency. No longer a problem. So thanks a million asshats!
(1,421 posts)yuo can be sure there will be no Dem complacency.. hey ,, here in NV our early vote increased for HRC today! !
(27,835 posts)... that there should be a special shout-out to Comey - who has galvanized HRC supporters to donate MORE and commit to MORE hours of canvassing and phone banking, along with spurring fence-sitters to finally VOTE for the candidate who is being maligned not by fact, but by vague innuendo.
So here's a to Mr. Comey for triggering renewed enthusiasm for electing Hillary!!!
(44,118 posts)nolabear
(43,625 posts)Ten days. Ten days and we'll haul them kicking and screaming toward a better life.
(5,653 posts)We should wait until after the election before we let them know exactly how they screwed it up for themselves.
On second thought, it's probably OK...you used a lot of words of more than two syllables, which is essentially the same as encrypting it for them.
(15,262 posts)Donald Trumps offer of $10,000 and the use of his private jet couldnt turn a porn star into a prostitute.
Jessica Drake whose credits include Sex for Sale and Think Pink claims she rejected the billionaires crude come-ons during a 2006 golf tournament in Lake Tahoe, Calif.
This is not acceptable behavior for anyone much less a presidential candidate, the adult film star said ........
..... Trump allowed the attendees to do whatever drugs they wanted, the photographer said. As guests partied hard on coke and top-shelf liquor, the mogul would stroll from room to room and hook up with girls.
He'd wander off with a couple girls. I saw him. He was getting laid like crazy," the photographer said. "Trump was at the heart of it. He loved the attention and in private, he was a total f---ing beast. .....
Ninni Laaksonen, a former Miss Finland in the Miss Universe competition that Trump once owned, alleged that he grabbed my butt during a photo shoot
A former beauty queen has become the 12th woman to openly accuse Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump of sexual assault.
Jessica Drake: porn star is 11th woman to allege Trump sexual misconduct
Read more
Ninni Laaksonen, a former Miss Finland in the Miss Universe competition that Trump once owned, alleged in an interview with the Finnish newspaper Ilta-Sanomat that Trump groped her before an appearance on The Late Show with David Letterman in 2006.
Before the show we were photographed outside the building, Laaksonen said, according to a translation provided by The Telegraph. Trump stood right next to me and suddenly he squeezed my butt. He really grabbed my butt.
I dont think anybody saw it but I flinched and thought: What is happening?
Laaksonen said that she had been told at other events that year that Trump found her attractive because she reminded him of his wife, Melania, whom he had married the year before.
Somebody told me there that Trump liked me because I looked like Melania when she was younger, Laaksonen said. It left me disgusted.

(4,558 posts)I have a lifetime worth of ammo every time one of those faux pious shitheads come out with "family values", "love of Country", "morals", or "qualifications".
(894 posts)There's a few more feet of dirt under the barrel they can dig through.
Just wait for the 2017 obstruction and obfuscation tour.
Then the 2018 greatest hits album where they re-release their hits, "Impeachment Tango" and "Investigation Remix" all completely remastered for their fans to lap up.
Same old song, just with the names changed. Who said the 90's weren't primed for a comeback.
(90,286 posts)It's time to say goodbye, sad, we hardly knew ye.
(5,653 posts)sheshe2
(90,286 posts)trusty elf
(7,484 posts)[img][/img]
(4,033 posts)ProudProgressiveNow
(6,166 posts)

(189,191 posts)Excellent work Nancy.
(23,348 posts)Kick & Recommend
(18,368 posts)We also need to be doing everything we can to politically annihilate every single rat member of Congress. They will destroy the Earth and all life on it to maintain their death-grip on power.
And no more saboteurs in Administration or appointed positions.
"Good republicans????" They're all vermin, every single one of 'em.
(68,868 posts)
Trust Buster
(7,299 posts)email. They support a fool who stood on a stage and implored the Russians to cyber attack our citizens. They support a loser who believes Putin over our own intelligence agencies as to Russia's involvement in the cyber attack efforts to effect the foundation of our democracy - the free will of people to elect it's leaders. They guy is scum.
(2,607 posts)madamesilverspurs
(16,179 posts)shared as widely as possible.
(6,699 posts)Well put.
STILL, it ain't over "until the fat lady sings", as the expression goes. I'm not betting my SS check on anything just yet. My fellow countrymen have let me down way too often to be so naive.
(24,663 posts)A timely reminder of the worth and wisdom of the old guard here at DU.
(71,611 posts).... and actually be nominated. It wouldn't even be published as dystopian fiction by any reputable publisher because it's so surreal and ridiculous. Yet we see it in front of us every day. He doesn't even bother to mount the thinnest of subterfuges to mask a character so vile and reprehensible that it makes Lex Luthor seem like Mary Poppins in comparison. When he says he could actually murder someone in front of the cameras and his supporters would continue to support him, I don't think he's joking or exaggerating.
What's even MORE insane is that there's ANY 'contest' whatsoever. The GOP couldn't have lowered the bar any further if they'd used backhoes, yet the Democratic Party, with the fumble-fingered assistance of the DNC dunces, cannot seem to put the stake in the heart of these Ghoulish Old Perverts even as they mark the spot with a big 'X'. Never would I have guessed that our body politic was so extensively disease-ridden and corrupt, even after eight years of Dumbya and Darth Cheney and such pond scum as the governors of Michigan, Florida, Wisconsin, and Alabama still walking around loose. Abysmal!
(30,058 posts)Nitram
(25,124 posts)president. You know, if Trump had just played it smart, he could have won. That could still happen in a future election since Trump has paved the way. I don't think we are in a position to celebrate until we manage to establish a common core of belief in what is fact and what is not in this country.
(10,272 posts)I have thought about. Trump has given us a blue print for how someone just like him but with a modicum of discipline could win the race.
(9,948 posts)
(34,648 posts)NastyRiffraff
(12,448 posts)Brilliant as usual, Nance. Thank you!
rusty quoin
(6,133 posts)"A year from now, President Hillary Rodham Clinton will be a reality. And a year from now, Donald Trump will be the guy no one will ever admit to having ever supported, no less voted for."
These Republicans are foolish and have no basis in reality, though they are tough weeds to be rid of.
Gabi Hayes
(28,795 posts)the 68 election with the first October Surprise
it's only gotten worse since, with advent of ever more sophisticated propaganda ops,employed against an increasingly ignorant, gullible, and deplorable agglomeration of credulous rubes, EAGER to swallow both the short and the long con offered up by Grifter Old Party
that's all they are....a bunch of cynical grifters, toying with Mencken's benighted children
(17,199 posts)Hugin
(35,812 posts)
(893 posts)NanceGreggs
(27,835 posts)... it's not.
(893 posts)I remember Truman holding a newspaper reporting his defeat. Yes. It looks good for Hillary right now, but she has not won. The orange jerk has not lost. Get a grip, and remember how many times people have prematurely read the GOP's obituary.
(27,835 posts)...is people who see the writing on the wall, and dismiss it as irrelevant, unreliable, or "rigged".
Knowing that HRC is on her way to the WH has nothing to do with arrogance - it has to do with reading the polls. The "orange jerk" lost months ago. And everyone - including the GOP - knows it.
(47,112 posts)Lucinda
(31,170 posts)fleabiscuit
(4,542 posts)Cha
(308,368 posts)Thank you, Nance!
(10,414 posts)DFW
(57,414 posts)The number of enthusiastic Trump supporters in the Republican Party will be equivalent the number of fervent Nazis found in Germany in 1946.
("Who? Me? Perish the thought!"
(308,368 posts)And, you are not even exaggerating one teeny tiny bit about anything!
I cannot wait until we don't have to see his uglyass face all over the place!
Thank you, Nance!
(22,651 posts)for their party. Anyone (R) now elected I consider a detriment to our country as a Nation.
(5,126 posts)is that we MUST GOTV for EVERY ELECTION. No more of this only ever 4 years shit. Hell, even the R hubs is astounded that she's not got a bigger lead, and is disgusted by that very fact. He absolutely WILL NOT vote for Trumpenstein, and is voting for HRC.
brer cat
(26,838 posts)for sharing another great rant. K&R
The Wizard
(13,091 posts)Right now I don't. Morning coffee will change that, hopefully. One thought: If Republicans read this they'll take it as a compliment because they have no shame, and they haven't taken advantage of Obamacare that covers cognitive dissonance, thought disorders and loose associations.
(24,650 posts)I have great fear for us and our country if you aren't and the RW whips up this last thing into HRC defeat, as it is intended to do.
(816 posts)MarinCoUSA
(891 posts)Thanks Republicans!
(159,576 posts)jlarson
(6 posts)could not agree anymore!
(72,300 posts)IronLionZion
(47,980 posts)But let's not count take it for granted. We need the Senate and as many house seats and state legislatures as possible to support Hillary's appointees and policies.
I hope their grand old party is over. But they could just as easily provide very difficult obstruction to every attempt of reform or progress.
4 more years
(101 posts)This wave of people who support trump want a quick fix for all that is wrong in their life. They will destroy our form of government. Look @ other country's that have gone this route. They voted in these leaders only to see it doesn't work. There is no quick fix in government. That's why we need Hillary in the worst way. The internet has created a click and fix attitude. Add to this a herd mentality and everyone falls in line for con man trump.
Response to NanceGreggs (Original post)
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(85,355 posts)
(20,219 posts)(politics wonks knew since st. ronnie the d-list actor)....
While the rank and file pub voters are just figuring it out now?
(7,888 posts)McCamy Taylor
(19,240 posts)WHEN CRABS ROAR
(3,813 posts)blue-wave
(4,506 posts)Thanks for composing and posting...you're spot on!!