2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forumThe Russians will not stop. They know Trump will not investigate the hacking.
They might even be blackmailing Trump and some of his campaign people. The Russians have their hooks inside of the US government.
Trump has failed us.
(15,545 posts)A total business failure funded by deep pockets. The ultimate traitor on a scale never before seen in human history.
(26,467 posts)Why are so many people using rethuglican-style hyperbole with trump?
When the rethugs started howling impeachment for obama, and hillary, were she to win, before either of them had taken office, we laughed at them, rightly so. They hadn't even taken office yet, how could they be impeached for committing a crime in office?
Now we've got people crying for impeacent before chump has even taken office.
When rethugs declared obamacare would be a disaster and lead to death panels, and gleefully typed how they would revel in seeing liberals die because of something they supported, we said how terrible and small it was of them to wish ill fortune, evem death, upon someone just for voting differently.
Now you've got posters saying how gleeful they'd be to see rethugs suffer, even die, under trump policy enactments.
This is the first election i've seen DUers literally doing the exact same thing they ridiculed rethugs for in the past.
We should not become what we hate.
On top of the worst doomsday hyperbole i've seen in years, shit is laughable in a sad way at times.
If people start promoting triangulation:the sequel in response to this election loss, i'm gonna scream...
(15,545 posts)Those who funded him will get rid of him at a time of their choosing. As a success in this election he out performed all expectations. Unfortunately people still want to see his tax returns and maybe get some idea of who is responsible for this aberration. He is dangerous and mentally ill does not deserve to be where he landed.
Lil Missy
(17,865 posts)UCmeNdc
(9,650 posts)The Trump administration and congressional Republicans will halt all investigations. The only way it will not stop is if the congressional GOP does not stop it.
But I bet my money on the GOP cutting off all investigations.
(7,768 posts)THAT is going to get the idiot's attention. When the addict can't 'tweet", he'll take it seriously. Maybe he'll beg Pooty for mercy.
Who knows whether the hacked Vermont laptop was EVER connected to the main program and if there is a programmed time bomb installed to go off?
(14,645 posts)Revolution?
(2,116 posts)jalan48
(14,645 posts)bucolic_frolic
(48,392 posts)GOP going to sit on their hands?
They're on the take, they reap the spoils.
(285 posts)Bigly debt owed to Russians and others, and being the greedy narcissist that he is, it won't take much to blackmail him. This is why the tax returns matter.
(6,991 posts)And you best believe that tRumps KGB boy toy has access TO his puppet's taxes and a whole lot more, so if the orange anus doesn't "allow" his boy toy to COMPLETELY trash others over there ---->, we may WELL see some taxes etc. "they" have the GOP by the short hairs also I hear in terms of info they cyber-hacked from thuglicant's servers as well.
(13,365 posts)Blue_Tires
(57,596 posts)there is nothing stopping Moscow from doing it again...
(9,650 posts)Wounded Bear
(61,176 posts)I also think they have dirt on most Repub Congresscritters. Anybody who doesn't think they also hacked the RNC is sipping Kool-aid.