2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forumIn Iowa, Trump Voters Are Unfazed by Controversies
Very interesting reading: The DNC should take note, but they won't:

(4,347 posts)Vinca
(51,726 posts)They're typical Republicans who only think of themselves. If there's a sick baby down the street who needs medical care but her family can't afford it, they don't really give a damn.
Lurks Often
(5,455 posts)The above quote from the link sums things up nicely and is one of the reasons the MSM is becoming less and less trusted.
As for the public, those who hate Trump or Clinton are all too willing to believe any story that makes either of them look bad; equally those who love Trump or Clinton are far too willing to dismiss any story that is critical of either them.
Trust Buster
(7,299 posts)HoneyBadger
(2,297 posts)Trust Buster
(7,299 posts)for the DNC to go out and try to appeal to such ignorance. 46% of eligible voters did not vote. In an election that we won by 3 million votes, appealing to those 46% is a lot more appealing to me than appealing to the heartless and ignorant set.
(25,577 posts)yardwork
(65,742 posts)TeamPooka
(25,577 posts)crazycatlady
(4,492 posts)ismnotwasm
(42,607 posts)Grey Lemercier
(1,429 posts)These voters feared an outbreak of European-style terrorist attacks by Muslims in the United States, maybe in their own communities. And overwhelmingly, Trump supporters did not want their hard-earned money redistributed to people they regarded as undeserving.
These are the types we are supposed to reach out too? No way.
(4,229 posts)Anybody who has worked in the social service area, like I did, knows that nearly anybody who is getting some sort of welfare type benefit is not really making big money. Some people getting SS disability get a decent amount, but TANF, SNAP, SSI, the amount you get is paltry. Also since welfare reform you REALLY have to jump thru a bunch of hoops to get anything.
For instance subsidies that help farmers are WAY more generous to people who already have a pile of money than 200 bucks worth of food stamps a month.
Also with our progressive income tax most working class taxpayers don't pay a lot of federal income tax, so their concern about their tax dollars is overblown.
I am way more outraged by a kid who inherits a pile of money and can live off the interest without ever working a day in their life. Or the stock trader who thru gambling on the stock market or the CEO who lays off 5000 workers can cash out at 40 and never have to work again while the workers have to work till 70.
However we have not been good as a party or country at getting the immorality of the compensation of the wealthy involves, only the crumbs that fall from the table to the poor.
Grey Lemercier
(1,429 posts)opposition would 90% melt away.
(10,721 posts)Strategically diminishing racism is paramount if we want sustainable progress. Otherwise, we'll just keep swinging back and forth on the pendulum of power.
(10,721 posts)...many welfare dollars are going toward marriage and dating initiatives, anti-choice programs, etc.
Here's just one of many relevant articles: http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/moneybox/2016/06/_welfare_money_often_isn_t_spent_on_welfare.html
(26,467 posts)Get is undeserved....
(7,244 posts)The former being a tad more gracious...
I'll never understand any rationale for voting for a bigot + sexual predator.
That being said, the DNC needs new leadership geared towards reaching the flyover states - like Iowa. That strategy is fully on the Democrats.
(6,091 posts)A grandmother spoke for her grandchild with serious medical problems and the senator responded with pitch perfect platitudes the GOP could be trusted. Not a single idea how or what or when just faith in GOP's caring nature.
edit add:
I feel Fox and hate radio poison the minds of Iowans.
People I see as normal, rational, and educated go insane when political talk starts.
geek tragedy
(68,868 posts)NCTraveler
(30,481 posts)
He added he was more concerned that government officials might have leaked the material to the news media. I dont know if it was classified, but if it was, whoever leaked it needs to go to jail, he said. We need law and order back in this country.

It was all about making fun of Donald Trump he would never be president and how horrible it would be, she said. But the only one talking about jobs was Trump, Ms. Dockendorff added.
What an ill informed and ignorant fool.
I think they should be drug-testing if theyre on welfare, Ms. Ell said.
The welfare system needs to be reorganized, agreed Ms. Furman, a retired commercial bakery manager, complaining that Chicago people were moving to Burlington to receive higher benefits and bringing crime.
DNC!!! Get right on this. How do we better cater to these outright racists.
(33,598 posts)Because that's what the these people belong to: The Cult of Trump, and The Cult of Celebrity.
(37,428 posts)Starry Messenger
(32,376 posts)"Many were hazy on specific policy details about how, say, House Republicans were seeking to replace Medicare with a voucher system. These voters feared an outbreak of European-style terrorist attacks by Muslims in the United States, maybe in their own communities. And overwhelmingly, Trump supporters did not want their hard-earned money redistributed to people they regarded as undeserving."
Yep, they totally would have voted for someone else with a reputation for being for "redistribution."
Or this?
"I think they should be drug-testing if theyre on welfare, Ms. Ell said.
The welfare system needs to be reorganized, agreed Ms. Furman, a retired commercial bakery manager, complaining that Chicago people were moving to Burlington to receive higher benefits and bringing crime."
Total closet socialists.
"Mike Staudt, a retired farmer from Marble Rock, voted for Mr. Obama in 2012, but called the Affordable Care Act a form of socialism. He said he had no problem with a candidate who had run as the voice of the working people but was stocking his cabinet with the ultrawealthy.
I know these guys are really rich, he said. They may have pulled off a few plays that werent exactly on the up-and-up, but they all had to be pretty smart to be billionaires. If they replace their own concerns with the concerns of the country, they can make things really move forward. Thats what Im excited about."
These are not potential Bernie voters, sorry. They are pissed off and resentful in their perception that people of color are getting more than their fair share.
All over twitter today they are triumphant that they won't be, paraphrasing from many posts, supporting people with no jobs who are freeloading on the ACA for free, and they are totally closed to the many many examples people are posting to show they are incorrect and have been fed lies.
(26,467 posts)be one thing... except they never seem to ever do it...
Were a rethuglican to ever actually do something good for the people, i'd be glad to support them. For some reason, it's never actually happened...
(65,742 posts)The fantasy that somehow "appealing" to selfish racists will magically transform them into Democratic voters is just that, a fantasy.
(9,089 posts)Rex
(65,616 posts)nt
(31,320 posts).. some righties would rather die than vote in their own best interests.
They will meet that reality soon, the way the Reeps are dismantling
all the programs that would keep us safe and healthy.
(57,417 posts)They would all be jeering in January 20th "uh, b-b-b-b-that's all, folks!"
These people believe in an alternate reality, and won't be shaken in those beliefs until the reality of Trump's America forces them into asking "what have I done?" after it's too late. NOTHING will convince them of the fact that Hillary would have tried to their backs and Trump will put knives into them at his leisure.
(18,124 posts)are a reflection of the hardcore idiot that supported their nazi leader. To hell with them, they will be singing a different tune soon....guaranteed.
(7,963 posts)Someone they know dies because they don't have health insurance. I am becoming more convinced that is the only way these assholes will ever learn.
(65,742 posts)They are deeply brainwashed.
(3,063 posts)And listen to talk wing radio daily. They believe the fake news is real and the real news is fake.