2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forum"You Focus On The Good": Women Who Voted For drumpf In Their Own Words
I just threw up after reading this.

(41,743 posts)Their answers are shallow. They should be ashamed, every one of them.
(65,742 posts)Makes me want to throw up.
(5,595 posts)skylucy
(3,907 posts)was blocked from seeing the article. Maybe that is a blessing.
Lol. Probably is, since this article is infuriating. But the 10 article limit is easy to work around. Just go into your browser's settings and delete the cookies for NYT. You get to start over at 0.
(3,907 posts)

(62,584 posts)Claimed Hillary was worse. It was unbelievable that these women got suckered in to believing his BS.
I was really offended by the one who said, "He's just saying what everyone is thinking but afraid to say." Uh, no. We aren't thinking anything like that.
(10,721 posts)"He says what everyones thinking and is afraid to say. That doesnt make anyone bigoted."
So, in other words, being bigoted doesn't make one a bigot if there are many other bigots.
That woman's assumption that "everyone" is thinking horribly racist and misogynistic things is quite telling. I guess the only positive to take from that is that some are willing to admit Trump spews hatred, something certain progressives aren't even willing to acknowledge.
Like you, I'm not thinking anything like the shit that comes spewing out of Trump.
(308,408 posts)BlueStater
(7,596 posts)Buckeye_Democrat
(15,167 posts)That might be a big part of it. That's why I was glad she wasn't nominated in '08 because I heard lots of Hillary-hate back then too.
Even if they've been conditioned that way, how could they trust Trump more than her?!
(10,561 posts)in 2008.
We would have won that election, especially after the economy collapsed.
Besides, the stuff I was hearing about Barack Obama in 2008 was pretty frightening, even before the nonsense about his birth certificate hit high gear.
(13,303 posts)"The Good"? This is a man without one redeeming virtue. Not one.
(62,584 posts)marybourg
(13,303 posts)more outrageously obnoxious.
(14,167 posts)I just... I don't know where to begin.
The only thing I can say is that we've got to come up with a cure for stupid.
(5,272 posts)and certain behaviors by men have been very normalized to them, and this means people they love talk this way(not full on but in that realm), like their father's, uncles and brothers...and the women in their lives accept their role. They should not be shamed for this...I don't see how that kind of thing would help. We should continue to pick at whether or not that sort of behavior has to be normal. We should continue to show them their value so that they don't let it be defined by their unfortunate role models. There's no reason to shit on people who themselves are victims to some extent of institutional sexism.
We can certainly do our own hating on people and I can understand the inclination. We can't change people's minds that way, and worse, it only obscures the root cause when we blanketly assume stupidity or malice. Ignorance is a huge component of lack of empathy. Finding fault in people isn't appreciative of the mechanisms that reinforce that ignorance. It just ensures that when the people on top seek to divide us, we support them in their efforts.
Dark n Stormy Knight
(10,270 posts)and couldn't bring myself to click on it.
I thought, "If only you idiots would've done that focusing on the good thing with President Obama, the country would be a whole helluva lot better off right now and I might not think you were a coven of total fucking racist hypocrites.
Starry Messenger
(32,376 posts)Internalized misogyny is a hell of a thing.
(60,153 posts)It makes me hope that a REAL analysis tries to examine the reasons so many people voted against their STATED interests. The one thing it does bring into question is almost everything postulated here as the reason. There is little talk of economic concerns, anger over identity politics, anger over Wall Street AND an incorrect assigning HRC with being closer.
Many spoke of Trump knowing how to "build things" and these comments were assigned to engineers! and daughters of engineers. You have one saying he is like her EX husband -- and saying that deep down he is a good man! Another - trying to say that HRC changed her position drastically -- says she went 360! - apparently having failed to learn anything in high school geometry - as moving 360 degrees would place you where you started! Another was impressed by Ivanka!
Were these women picked for their stupidity? Did they actually ok their names and photos appearing with these comments?
(91,504 posts)synergie
(1,901 posts)Raine
(30,710 posts)before I was hurling...
(91,504 posts)Cha
(308,408 posts)They're seriously fucked up
(16,594 posts)"This guy has such potential."
HE'S 70 F**KING YEARS OLD!!! And she really thinks that this guy will eventually change? That's he's a bad person but will become a good person any day now? Really???
"I dont agree with a lot of what he said, but I felt he was honest."
Buckle up, because you're in for a ride.
"From what Im understanding, hes only really wanting illegal immigrants that have committed crimes to be deported, which I agree with. I feel bad for the lesbian and gay and transsexual community that fear for their way of life. From what I understand, he says hes not going to mess with that.
Somebody called me a racist because I did vote for Trump. Hold on, you dont know me. Doesnt that make you a racist by calling me a racist when you dont know me?"
1. He said he wants to deport all 13 million of them. How have you never heard that?
2. Oh yeah. Donald Trump and the Republicans. They would never mess with the rights of LGBT-people.
3. That's not what "racist" means. "Racist" is a specific term for people who say specific things about race. "Racist" is not a catch-all description for all the people who disagree with you, you dumb fuck.
"He speaks his mind and because of that, hes not going to lie to you. I dont want immigrants, accepting them without doing the background checks. Are these people terrorists? I dont want to live in a country where we have to worry about going to the movie theater or the mall."
1. He's not going to lie. HAHAHAHAHA!
2. The US already is doing background-checks on immigrants.
3. How many hours has it been since the last mass-shooting in a theater or mall??????????????
"Obama was out for himself. I dont think he really respected the office. I think it was more about him being a celebrity than a president."
As opposed to Trump, who has no reputation of being a publicity-obsessed reality-TV-star and who will treat the office of the President with decency and respect.
Seriously. Once Trump lets them down and disappoints them and makes their lives worse, given the chance, I would gladly stand by, point my finger at them and say: