2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forumWhats Scarier: President Trump or President Pence?

(91,504 posts)and because i don't see Trump being better on women and lgbt issues than Pence . so as horrible as Pence is there Trump still isn't better . especially since Trump has to keep the hateful base happy.
(31,744 posts)with nuclear weapons. He might try to distance us from the Russians, too.
(40,416 posts)Consider... he is an out right theocrat.
(7,358 posts)cheyanne
(733 posts)such as Reince, Chaffee, Ryan, are implicated and have to resign, Republicans w ill no longer have a majority in the House. Then moderates and Democrats might have a chance to negogiate with Pence about cabinet appointees,etc.
I don't think will gut the federal government the way Trump is williing to do.
(4,815 posts)hemorrhoids and anal fissures
(34,502 posts)How can Pence be considered any more legitimate than Trump if it is found that Trump was elected because of Russian help? How is Pence then legitimate? It does not matter even if he knew or not, he is where he is as much as Trump because of cheating or hacking or whatever they end up finding out.
I know how it usually works but this is different.
Just a question.
My answer to yours is I would rather have Pence as much as I hate everything he stands for simply because I do not think he ever asked anyone why using nuclear weapons would be bad. It scares me to even write that.
(91,504 posts)unless he is impeached for something else.
Still, the help that Trump was getting should not leave us with another person we did not elect. It may not have been his fault in any way but he would never be in that place if it wasn't for Trump. Just thinking and asking. *and drinking and asking*
(2,064 posts)is 8 years of Orange Julius Caesar followed by 8 years of Pence the Pious. Ugh, I just threw up in my mouth a little...
Then again, the nuclear apocalypse and ensuing nuclear winter would probably extinguish life as we know it well before the end of Pence's second term...
(43,788 posts)Trump is mentally deranged and a threat to our constitutional democracy as well as our world safety.
Besides the only way he becomes President Pence he'll already be seriously comprised and weakened thanks to the stink of the inevitable Trump debacle.
(51,726 posts)Pence, on the other hand, might as well cause the end of the world if installed in office since he would rubber stamp every nutty piece of legislation the GOP Congress will vomit out.
(29,692 posts)BlueMTexpat
(15,539 posts)awful in different ways.
But one can perhaps anticipate Pence's awfulness more consistently, given that he has a record - abysmal as it is - in public service. If that can be considered a virtue, Pence might be marginally better, but only by comparison to Trump.
IMHO, we are thoroughly f*cked either way.
(4,633 posts)Converting the country to Christianity would take time, it might be bloody, but in the end it would fail. Pushing the button takes a matter of seconds.
(15,062 posts)JTFrog
(14,274 posts)andym
(5,898 posts)a dangerous amateur with an ego the size of Texas or a slick ex-talk radio show host ultra conservative. Yikes.