The OccupyUSA Blog for Wednesday (May 2), With Frequent Updates

9:30 Diocese building re-occupied in San Francisco, dozen hole up there, someone throws brick from roof that hits guy with camera, more black bloc action, church not amused, "We are not the 1%."... Los Angeles with no major incidents, and immigrant march draws fewer people than expected. .. Full Seattle Times report on major "mayhem" there yesterday--which they attribute to anarchists (photo, left)-- as police (who seized 70 objects from protesters under orders from mayor) and the rain hold back possible further incidents. More at their blog.
9:15 Mediaite has text and video of "explosive" debate this morning on good old Fox & Friends featuring pro-OWS Todd Gitlin and the usual rightwingers...More from Cleveland's Plain Dealer on the 5 arrested there in bomb plot and connection to local Occupy, which despite no knowledge of their activities already hurt badly by them.
9:00 Let the wrapups and reactions to May Day begin. Here's a Daily Beast writer, on day in NYC, with some still calling for "demands." Police put final tally of arrests there at about 50... MSNBC hops around USA, noting violence in Oakland and Seattle and Cleveland "plot."....Mother Jones with gallery of photos of long hard day in Oakland...
8:45 Carne Ross on Colbert last night talking up new book and his work with OWS on alternative bank.... Awaiting Chris Hedges on "black bloc" actions and arrests of past two days...