Occupy Underground
Related: About this forumPeople of All Ages and Backgrounds Turned Out for May Day Yesterday
http://blogs.villagevoice.com/runninscared/2012/05/people_of_all_a.phpAs fellow colleague James King wrote here , The New York Post dismissed yesterday's May Day event as a "joke", made up mostly of "bums".
While there were definitely a good number of attention-whorish characters, hooligans, and actual bums, many people who participated seemed to be normal folks, of all ages and various backgrounds, looking to let their voices be heard.
We'll let photos do the talking. (For more professional photos of yesterday's event, check out our slideshow, featuring images shot by C S Muncy)

Leading the front of yesterday's (mostly peaceful) march was a combination of various minority groups.
Alex, Jeremy, and Jeremy, age 14, 14, and 13. Took bus from Princeton, New Jersey here to participate. "All this stuff doesn't affect us yet, but it will, it's our future"
These two ladies are not part of any groups. "We just wanted to participate to send a message," said Mary, right.

(4,012 posts)Could they be.......wrong?!?
Fire Walk With Me
(38,893 posts)

(154,021 posts)here in San Diego.
We had Ron Paul come to town. So I got the job of covering it.
I tittled my piece, THOUSANDS attend the rally.
My estimate is that it was about 5,000.
My local channel ten... they were lovely. "Hundreds attend Ron Paul Rally at UCSD," Now here is where they got really cute... the tight shot, showed about 1500 folks.
Which leads to the next comment. The media is pretty much CHOOSING and otherwise not covering trouble makers. Whether those are the folks on the "far left," I know better... or Ron Paul, who is on the far right. (And he is dangerous... lord he exudes charisma)
Something else happened... here I was told that I had to be a supporter since well, shit if you do political reporting you cover all people, left right and center. But apparently I am a supporter. Gosh darn it, I forgot to register to be able to vote for Paul
While there, well I am part of the Lib'rul media, media badge and all, so a few of the attendees, it was not a protest, tried to educate me on Ron Paul and his views and how right they are, and were thoroughly surprised I know what Ron Paul stands for. Yes, I have taken the time to READ on Ron Paul, comes with the job. But it is kind of funny. They will not cover us because (insert group here) controls the media. I think it is a little more complex and simple at the same time. They will not cover (insert group here) since they are trouble makers and a direct challenge to the status quo.