Occupy Underground
Related: About this forumMassive social engineering projects revealed by Citigroup's leaked Plutonomy memo
I have been working upon gathering information regarding what is revealed in the leaked 2006 Citigroup Plutonomy memo (Thank you Michael Moore!). I am too scattered to assemble it into something meaningful, and my internet connection is currently nearly non-existent, so I present the unassembled infodump for your scrutiny, comment, and hopeful editing and extrapolation. Can anyone edit this into something useful? There is much imperative information present, and I've only just scratched the surface. Comments and additions are most significantly welcome. Turn this into a forum project.
The US, Canadian, and UK economies are driven by the very rich. This leaves them free to vampire the rest of us and not suffer in so doing.
The very rich prosper from the tech revolution which also provides for the suppression of their enemies (Occupy, IdleNoMore, etc.)
Equities are the main asset of the rich. Housing is the main asset of the other 80% of Americans. Foreclosure benefits the rich.
In 2006, Citigroup's analysis section circulated among the privileged and elite, an internal memo describing the state of the economy as may benefit and harm the continued establishment of a Plutonomic state, or Plutonomy, which is a state or economy driven and owned by said elite.
Michael Moore gloriously leaked this memo in his film Capitalism: A Love Story. Bravo!
The memo reveals several critical factors regarding our economy and country, the driving forces behind them, and the social engineering being undertaken on behalf of the elite's goals. Not theories, but critical facts which must become focal in which to understand and combat the trends and forces at work.
When you wonder Who is to blame, Who is behind this, Who are 'They' and What can we Do about 'Them', this is it. Take their advice. It works for them extremely well. It's about all they do. In understanding them, we can beat them. In knowing their plans and reach, we may counter them.
Findings revealed in the memo:
-The economies of the US, UK, and Canada are driven by the very rich, not everyone else combined
-They enjoy specific modes of growth (Globalization and politics used to insure it [the Trans Pacific Partnership])
-Threats to their growth (historic models reveal trends and outcomes predicting the Occupy movement or similar; weaknesses of Plutonomy)
-Equities are the main asset of the rich; homes are that of the rest. The housing bubble and the illegal foreclosure engine do not harm the rich; on the contrary
-Methods of Plutonomy self-protection include direct corporate influence of the political process (Citizens United, oppression of Occupy, formation of the tea party, etc.)
-The very rich profit from the spy technology revolution (TSA scanners, militarization of police, etc.) which also provides for social control and the oppression of dissent (Occupy, etc.).
-As the economy is driven by the rich, the challenge is to switch that to one driven by the 99%.
The memo does not even include mention of the corporate alliance ALEC who are writing laws which are being passed in various states, such as stand your ground and right to work. Corporations writing laws. The TPP are a global version of this and we do not get to vote.
This is WWIII. It is economic, it has long since begun, and it is the 1% against all the rest of us.
The memo:
Sections following, not assembled:
-What the Plutonomists are doing to the US and world
-How they increasingly criminalize dissent and profit from oppression
-The real economy and its factors
-Related social engineering in Europe, banksters installed in government
-What to do

(4,835 posts)There are a lot of people in the 1% that are damaged by the policies and practices of the financial elite.
If the 99% are ever going to control the world; they will have to find a way of doing it without spending money. The money that we put into our retirement accounts (that get cleaned out every decade) are part of what is used against the middle and working class. If the 99% ever really want to get control; that's the monetary resource that they have to utilize.
Imagine if we could turn that against the 1%; invest it in green energy (actual physical resources like pv panels and windmills) with the profits going toward the causes that we choose. Of course we'd all fight over what we want those causes to be.
Joe Shlabotnik
(5,604 posts)Lots to read. Bookmarking the occupyobservations site, because its a nice concise, factual and visual depiction to insert as a link into MSM comment sections.
That is one unabashed memo.
(12,704 posts)undergroundpanther
(11,925 posts)a free store or gift economy.Don't need money to run these things.Rival and better economic model.
If we live without using thier money,we make no profits for them.We can starve the plutocracy. Remember after 9/11 people didn't shop for a few days,then bush had to tell people to go shopping?
Imagine if we stopped shopping and started SHARING on a massive scale?
Fire Walk With Me
(38,893 posts)Fire Walk With Me
(38,893 posts)-Media are driving sensationalism and reactionism, which takes us out of innocent until proven guilty into an eye for an eye and the given assumption that this is right and somehow our duty to be easy-chair judges. American media are owned by six corporations. Corporations ARE the Plutonomists. Plutonomists are driving emotionally-based lifestyles instead of the rule of law and judicial system. This is exacerbated by the terrorist meme as well as Obama's secret kill list and legal justification of extra-judicial executions of Americans suspected of terrorism or terrorist ties.
Fox News, the purposeful dumbing-down of America?