Feminism and Diversity
Related: About this forum#fatshamingweek
From Adipose Activist:
Trigger warning for this post, *extreme* fat hate.
So, not sure where it originated from, but someone with too much time on their hands decided it would be funny/relevant to start the hashtag #fatshamingweek on twitter. So, being somewhat of a glutton for punishment, I took a few seconds to check out some of the tweets. These tweets that Ive screenshot were all written within 3 hours. I didnt even have to seach very hard, because there were dozens more like these in the few minutes that I looked.
Actual instructions encouraging violating the privacy of a fat person to make them feel badly about themselves:
Multiply that by an entire week, and you start to get an idea of how pervasive this has been on twitter. Of course, there doesnt need to be a week dedicated to shaming people, because if you live in a fat body, you are made to feel ashamed of it every single day. You are made into the butt of jokes and the subject of hatred (mostly from men, youll notice) simply for the way your body looks.
You might also like to know that being bullied and shamed about your weight is proven to make you more likely to gain weight. And I quote: Participants who experienced weight discrimination were approximately 2.5 times more likely to become obese by follow-up and participants who were obese at baseline were three times more likely to remain obese at follow up than those who had not experienced such discrimination.

(19,288 posts)My feminist mentor is heavy set and a BYU graduate. She is about 10 years older than me and one of the sharpest intellects I know. She has told me men look right through her like she doesn't exist.
Back in the day, we'd be playing pool, and guys would talk to her so they could try to get my phone number.
She is not one to play any games. And goddess forbid anyone should call us girls. Oh, man.
(12,365 posts)Anyway, good luck shaming fat people -- we've been bullied all our lives. It's not possible. I've got a zinger for every stupid insult I've ever heard. It just bounces off.
Gormy Cuss
(30,884 posts)Oh. I think that I just answered my own question.
I'd love to see a tally of the tweets mentioning gender/sex and a breakdown of the number mentioning male vs. female.
Ian David
(69,059 posts)On Monday, Return of Kings, a blog for heterosexual, masculine men, announced it would devote its space that week to fat shaming.
Hurting peoples feelings is the quickest way to get them to change, the kickoff post reads, as any man who has been rejected by women can tell you (we can get laid today only because weve adapted to being shamed and punished for our appearance and beta male behavior over the course of many years).
The post concludes, We have decided as a group that fat shaming is essential in creating a society of thin, beautiful women who are ashamed for being ugly. Let the fat shaming begin!
A Twitter account promptly sprang up to collect the tweets.
It looks to me like this is rooted in the psychology of some anti-feminist men who have a butt-hurt over being rejected by women.
Response to Ian David (Reply #4)
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(3,864 posts)whom she considers obese,
instead of candy she will give a note to their parents!!
This is what happens when a whole nation and the media make it their job to shame fat people.
I would not give candy to any child, btw, one can give nuts or fruit - but to pick out a fat child...
and who made her judge?!
I hope she drowns while bobbing for apples.