History of Feminism
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You can take this one off your block list. "CFLDem".

Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)I wish Admin would remove any hidden posts people may have in replying to that asshole.
He was pure shit from Day One.
(57,279 posts)That was a nasty person.
(115,177 posts)The fact that he lasted as long as he did is indicative of... something.
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)
(115,177 posts)the backlash of the brocialists / brogressives.
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)All those dudebros and their chicksisters. They be so *not* cool.
(110,159 posts)it is a man issue. that simple.
we cannot ... cannot only see it on one side. that will not help progression at all. and it really does not hurt to see truth. really. it does not.
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)and support these dudebros in denying women's rights. It crosses all lines.
It is so indoctrinated and ingrained in the very fiber of society.
Almost whole cloth, as if, we need to weave a new bolt of fabric from a thread of a different kind.
(110,159 posts)yes there are women that support these men, as they degrade, try to dominate, control, are abusive toward women.
and there is a certain abusiveness even coming from women.
but what cfl did is a mans issue. he uses womens sexuality to TRY... the operative word, try to control adn dominate women. that... is men. yes from patriarchy whcih all of us participate in.
this would tie into the threads recently using womens sexuality to control. be it prude or slut. virgin or whore. it is all the same.
that was cfl.
that is what i say is a mans issue. and the women are allies.
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)He was a waste of my time and everyone else on this board.
(110,159 posts)with me, throwing out my name to all of du. repeatedly. in threads i was not participating in.
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)seabeyond
(110,159 posts)i guess they need a pretty huge accumulation of evidence??? or vacations??? i dunno tuesday. it happened a while ago.
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)my PM box and retro alert every one of that shithead's PMs. Although, if you replied to him ... that is copacetic. Will not carry as much weight but, I would still alert and let Admin see what was said back and forth.
(110,159 posts)and he will be able to do it for a while. and we will all do the same shit.
i do not put a lot of effort and time into getting someone kicked off. the first months told me it was not a productive effort for me. regardless of the infractions. i have a man that started OPs about me, saying my uterus was old, shriveled and could not possibly birth two boys or some such shit. throwing cum around all over one thread.
and i believe if i remember correctly, he sent a semi threatening pm that had me wary for a handful of days.
to the point of saying, i can get behind the "stand your ground" position. and no. i did not bother to alert on the pm. it is clear to me, that it does not matter much.
and again.
we are the problem.
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)It is absolutely WHY you should alert on PMs. Do not engage the trolls. If and When this Shithead comes back, we will have a case made against him in advance.
I realize that Admin have been Less Than Supportive of Women's (and consequently Human) Rights but, with the election season breathing down their necks and so many women's names being bandied about as contenders for the Democratic Nominee, DU3 will have to get on board or, be left behind. It really is that simple.
Hillary Clinton
Elizabeth Warren
Wendy Davis
Kay Hagan
to name just a few on national and state level.
The day I am convinced that Admin think WE are the problem is the day I quit DU3.
god help me with my addiction, I will go cold turkey on this place.
(110,159 posts)The addiction issue... The kicked off du repeatedly is a nice respite. Cfl will come in with another name, like all the others we dealt with in the past, are dealing with today and will deal with in the future.
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)DU3 dispenses with these Assholes will be The Determining Factor for me.
(110,159 posts)they would have access to all that. his posts. his call outs. his games. and .... all his pms. they have the clear picture. i do not have to send them the crap. they have it. right? just thought of that.
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)I don't know for sure. Good question especially in regard to someone who is up for PPR.
(110,159 posts)the c word, and at least two other feminists send in alert pms, that would at least start a look see.
but whatevah... he is gone. and tuesday
i am off to play.
YOU have a good day.
see ya on the flip side, lol
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)
(15,470 posts)You didn't say *some* women support these men. I am highly offended and can not support you anymore. (stomps foot) I do not support that type of man and because you did not say some, you obviously mean me, personally! I am poutraged and throwing a fit over the slight. How dare you? If you respond to this post, I will alert in hopes of getting a jury that will get you closer to a mandatory vacation. There, you have been told.
Obvious with a touch of they are so obvious snark.
(42,607 posts)Good.
geek tragedy
(68,868 posts)TDale313
(7,822 posts)That's good news.
(110,159 posts)i am glad to see administration step up on this one.
thank you
boston bean
(36,720 posts)he's been removed from the block list.
(57,279 posts)
(55,655 posts)As well as a large number who aren't active, possibly socks?
boston bean
(36,720 posts)An email is sent to the member if I remove them. I don't want to invite them back, by an auto du mail being sent saying they are unblocked.
(55,655 posts)Okay.
(54,515 posts)BainsBane
(55,655 posts)Thanks, Earl G
(115,177 posts)YoungDemCA
(5,714 posts)MadrasT
(7,237 posts)It is beyond me how people like that are allowed to run amuck creating havoc for so long, that one was transparent as hell.
(57,279 posts)Unfortunately when someone slips by MIRT (as this one did), all we can do is make the case to a higher power and that usually works, although it does take some time.
Hope you are well.
(110,159 posts)least three hides. i am sure more. i just do not know. it is a norm, for me.
(110,159 posts)challenge it. you know, as skinner says, "educate" them. we get a hide. we are the trouble makers for clearly standing up for democratic adn progressive issues. our platform.
we get the hide.
we get kicked off a democratic progressive board.
and we are silenced.
cfl. how many times, how many hides did someone get.... challenging his misogyny.
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)will be done but, they should be Very Aware of this. I mean, in their face, aware.