History of Feminism
Related: About this forumgeez people, i cannot remember if i am able to post or not.
i have been kicked off so often that coming back onto du, there are times i do not remember if i can post, or privileges denied, especially at the start of the day.
it is a funny, odd feeling.
here is an alert someone shared that i thought others should see. i have often had jurors and alerter specifically make comments about me personally. i read a jury result the other day where two jurors were talking to me, as if i was the alerter. i was not. i only saw the comments because someone posted the jury results. but, i have had a couple jurors make comments hide, cause that will be the fifth and get me kicked off.
anyway, here is how this alerter decided to approach getting a hide on one of my posts. i thought an interesting approach.
(jury, people put up jury results often. as a matter of fact, that is how i saw this in the first place, someone posting it to me in a thread. it is not against the rules if an alerter suggests it is) lying to jurors is another way in which to get a hide.
100% of the misunderstanding when someone on the net decides to tell you what your tone is. nt
This post is disruptive, hurtful, rude, insensitive, over-the-top, or otherwise inappropriate.
Possible trolling. This poster has had a recent history of problematic posts, btw. Just so you know.
You served on a randomly-selected Jury of DU members which reviewed this post. The review was completed at Thu Jul 17, 2014, 03:37 AM, and the Jury voted 0-7 to LEAVE IT.
Juror #1 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: Alerter you must be joking.
Juror #2 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: Not sure why this post was alerted. Nothing wrong here; vote to Leave.
Juror #3 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: This kind of alert makes me wish it were possible to alert on the alerter.
Juror #4 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: Really?
Juror #5 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: No explanation given
Juror #6 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: Congrats -- this is the 1st time I have not needed to look any further into an alert.
Juror #7 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: No explanation given
Warren Stupidity
(48,181 posts)As far as I am concerned a 0-7 jury result ought to count as a hide for the alerter. The penalty for doing this shit is meaningless.
(110,159 posts)forever for me to drop to three, giving me some cushion. my posts are not being hidden because they are a problem. my posts are being hidden cause four jurors are gathered that do not like me. this one did not work. alerting on a good number of my posts, eventually they will hit four jurors and i will be out again. it is a never ending revolving door.
Little Star
(17,055 posts)ALERTER'S COMMENTS:
Possible trolling. This poster has had a recent history of problematic posts, btw. Just so you know.
The troll alerter thinks you are a troll. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.
F**k them!
(17,874 posts)Some kind of main page announcement, like "DU Member xxx has been wasting everybody's time alerting on posts as a means of attacking other Members." But then again, that raises the question of why they don't just ban the fool.
-- Mal
(110,159 posts)my dog was all like, say what????
(42,537 posts)They routinely humiliate themselves.
Great idea though
Sheldon Cooper
(3,724 posts)If you believe the site owner, anyway.
(55,404 posts)That post should be hidden because of you.
I've also seen where jurors mention me, as though they think I'm the alerter, when in fact I wasn't. People should probably stop assuming they know who alerted on a post because they are often wrong.
(19,964 posts)I will definitely keep an eye out for this kind of alert stalking and report it to the admins. This kind of abuse of the alert/jury system has got to stop.
Edited to add: maybe those of us who serve on juries should keep a log of these kinds of alerts?
get the red out
(13,679 posts)Alert stalking is really abusing the system here.
(55,404 posts)I know the person who recently alerted on an insult to me, only to receive more insults to me from jurors, also alerted on the results. I can't see that it has ever made a difference, but I do it anyway. I don't think it's worth your effort to make a log. All you can do is alert to the administrators and after that it's up to them.
(19,964 posts)Do you just send a copy of the results to the Admins?
(55,404 posts)You receive them whether you are a juror or the alerter. You click on the text that says alert on results (or something similar) and it opens up a box. You then write your reasons for the alert in the box and select send.
(19,964 posts)I'm still new to this and trying to figure out all the options.
(110,159 posts)had people call me a b on the board and in the alert a couple jurors say leave cause she is.
i had someone start a thread about it in meta for the same oles to laugh and giggle about it.
i do not know that i have ever alerted on an alert. i have only alerted on a couple pms, and not a damn thing happened but that pm was taken out of my box so i no longer have evidence of the wrong doing.
(55,404 posts)theHandpuppet
(19,964 posts)Flip on the light switch and send the cockroaches running for cover.
(55,404 posts)It ticked some off that she did.
(19,964 posts)I think it was a pretty gutsy move. She had to know that it was an SOP violation and there was a good chance the thread would be locked. On the other hand, it was the only way to publicly expose what was really going on regarding the abuse and stalking. The offenders were getting away with this crap only because everything was being dealt with (or not) behind the scenes.
I must have written a dozen drafts of a post in response to you the other night and ended up scrapping all of them. I wanted to discuss this particular issue in depth and some of the debate that went on at F&GH but no matter how carefully I worded it, there would have been a meta alert. I wish we could all discuss these matters more openly but at HoF especially I feel as if we're constantly being spied upon -- and I don't think that's just some weird paranoia on my part.
(110,159 posts)seabeyond
(110,159 posts)democrats, at all, ever, just does not happen. not to mention the feminist ally. which has been called on the carpet. it was exposure that people did not want exposed.
Sheldon Cooper
(3,724 posts)Skinner.
Good reminder.
Yes, people have a responsibility to keep it civil when they are on jury duty. We have removed a few jurors who crossed the line, but maybe it's time to be a little more proactive about it.
If this is true, I think the person involved and the action taken must be made known to the membership. It's really the only way we have of verifying this so-called 'transparency' that gets mentioned a lot around here. Also, naming and shaming the guilty helps to develop and mold what the alleged community standards really are.
I don't know of one good reason why the owners would protect the identity of jurors who say things terrible enough to get sanctioned.
(37,748 posts)We may only hope that the alerter didn't cut himself shaving. That would be horrible.
(110,159 posts)you are funny. and another laugh. thanks.
(55,404 posts)You do have a way with words.
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)Talk about fucking Tone.
(110,159 posts)tuesday....
i hope energy wise, things are looking up. you have felt kinda drained of late.
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)professionally. I am used to one of those at a time being messed up but, when both decide to throw a fit at the same time, I have a hard time dealing.
personally, things have settled down ... to some extent.
professionally, things will be in a turmoil for another month or two.
So, you all are forewarned and can expect an edgier version of TA for some time to come.
Pretty tired of dealing with this shit around here and have no patience left over after some hard days in real life.
Have I told you lately that EarlG is My Hero ...
(110,159 posts)and good. earlg wears the white knight shield well. i guess. i do nto know what he has done of late. but he steps up often.
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)correct me if I am wrong ...
right, ?
(55,404 posts)Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)someone on the admin to demand respect for Women of DU. That was the message I got with those actions and I hope it sent the same Loud and Clear message to the rest of DU as well.
(110,159 posts)of men to be good liberal.
simply repeating what he was telling us to accept..... grown men buying schoolgirls soiled panties from vending machines, got me hides, lol. not to mention tellin a shy poster to go confront the hot women and tell them you will give them a fifty for a blow job.
you know. some woman minding their own business. telling a man to walk up to her and saying
i will give you a 50 if you give me a bj
ya. and i get the hides.
Response to seabeyond (Reply #27)
BainsBane This message was self-deleted by its author.
(110,159 posts)i am not much of a risk taker at all.
how can i address it without saying it?
we are feminsit, hear us roar. discussing feminists issues. kinda what we are about. du is merely the micro of a macro.
Response to seabeyond (Reply #34)
BainsBane This message was self-deleted by its author.
(110,159 posts)not really all of what the hide was about. i did not bring the subject to du. it is a fact in japan. and we are told to be a good democrat, we are to not feel it is icky, shame them, or hold any moral value on it.
in a nation that has a problem with creating girls for sex, and grown women not sexually desirable, i think that falls exactly into the realm of what we discuss. we can have a canoe made like a vagina, we can talk about the same grown men, walking to a vending machine, placed in the public, on a street corner. that they put money into to get a pair of soiled school girls undies to get off on.
that BLOWS my fuggin' mind.
it really does.
i have heard a lot of things on du. but that one. i cannot get it out of my head. i would stand at the vending machine and look at that man that buys that underwear and ask... really? really? that does it for you?
*** i typed it all out by gosh. i am posting. and ya. i get the self delete. good call. lol
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)same as me ... debating with a Shall Remain Nameless DUer who was arguing For Rape Porn on the basis of Art & First Amendment.
so, Fine ... I said ... Enjoy Your Rape Porn.
and for that ...
I got the hide ... ????
WTF ... are you people fucking kidding me around here ... ???
One of the nicest posts I have ever made and it gets hidden ???
same as with Baines and
what the fuck is it with some of these people ?
Clearly, there is an agenda and a pattern has been established.
(110,159 posts)all that time of people saying how wrong it was to say anything bad about rape porn and you got a hide cause it was bad suggesting a man enjoyed his rape porn. odd odd world we live in.
and then of course, baine is right up there for the alert stalking as i. and she does like a 100 times less than i to deserve it. i do not know she has had one valid hide. she never says shit but facts, adn presented dryly in an academic, non person fashion. so that is huge in trippy.
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)I see Professor Baines at the chalkboard diagramming exactly why it is, what it is.
There will be a test on Monday, people. Enjoy your weekend.
I just love it when Baines gets fired up.
The more fired up she gets the more academic she gets.
It really is very lovely to watch.
And, you are right about her hides. She is always respectful, never personal.
(110,159 posts)Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)seabeyond
(110,159 posts)seabeyond
(110,159 posts)Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)right.
(110,159 posts)to mirt. and the controlling factor there is one can experience skinners wrath of fury... (lol lol, ya, i did that on purpose) if they abuse. so i imagine mirt are pretty comfortable it is a good tos.
i believe. another thing all these bogus hides is, i can no longer participate in host and mirt cause i am the baddest of the bad. so i am not really following the rules.
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)not participate in Hosts.
I tried MIRt ... and that is = SO Totally NOT my Thing. I just did not jibe with the others in there.
I am pretty tolerant and will give someone benefit of a doubt for a Long Time but, I could tell by User Names that some signed up with that they were going to be here for one reason only, they were going to be a One Issue Poster. Disruptive to the board as a whole.
(89,254 posts)That's a good thing, sea.
Nope, no alert stalking here...move along, nothing to see. What a bogus alert and it was done as a personal attack on you. The alerter needs to be alerted on.
(110,159 posts)BainsBane
(55,404 posts)You're right.
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)ismnotwasm
(42,537 posts)Demo_Chris and Quinnox. I didn't realize about aao
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)personal opinion but, I think it should be looked at as communicating threats via Public Lines ... an FCC violation.
What he said to Cali was absolutely a threat and, it was communicated via an open line.
(42,537 posts)I have a few more days on MIRT, but I just worked this horrendous 3 day shift, so haven't been involved as much.
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)with NO BREAK AT ALL for the first 8 hours.
We have our second Interim Administrator since March and our DON turned in her resignation to transfer to a facility closer to home. Only our facility could not find a DON to replace her so the company hired her position away and she is now in Limbo.
Also, our corporation while denying raises for the past three years and actually making Nurses take a 3% cut in pay has somehow managed to afford to acquire ***SEVENTEEN*** more facilities around the Nation.
I could go on but, you get the picture ...
(42,537 posts)I have good job, but I want to move on--do something--different but I won't because it's a good job, We have strong union thank goodness.
I'd love to return to LTC, but with all the reimbursement changing I know it's got to be a nightmare.
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)Unless you can get on at a True Physical Rehab Center or on the True Physical Rehab Unit within a LTC.
(148,393 posts)We didn't wait for the admins for long, and had an opportunity, so we took it.
(115,177 posts)seabeyond
(110,159 posts)i know i need to update.
thank you
(115,177 posts)I miss having 15 spots
(55,404 posts)and folks on "leave."
(110,159 posts)luvs ya woman.
(22,871 posts)alert stalking are projecting big time.
(8,170 posts)Transparency page not displayed
This member's Transparency page is not displayed because they have had fewer than five posts hidden by Jury in the last 90 days
(110,159 posts)at five, i would not have been able to do this Op. lol