'Instead of leaning in, I leaned out': why women still need feminism
Tess Vigeland grew up thinking that women didnt need feminism. When she rose in her career, she learned differently
A feminist demonstration, led by Germaine Greer, in 1972. Photograph: The Sydney Morning Herald/Fairfax Media via Getty Images
I admit that I was one of those women who in college and early in my career tended to roll their eyes at the idea of bra-burning and other aspects of second-wave feminism. I thought it was all kind of silly. I mean come on: if you dont get called on in class, just stand up until the professor cant ignore you! If guys are treating you unequally at the office (or in my case, the newsroom) just call them out and make the case for yourself! Its not rocket science! You dont need to go making a big thing about it.
But looking back, I realize how naïve that sentiment was. Maybe thats because Ive now experienced the latter and found out that fixing it is not as easy as putting your foot down and speaking up. (Even when you speak up, people can refuse to listen.)
Maybe its because Ive bumped my head against a glass ceiling with no real recourse available to me. Maybe its because of that time in a news meeting where a man of equal experience said to me when I offered to help him on a story: You sure youre up for it?
Yes, I was up for it. What I wasnt up for was the implication that women are too often seen as the B team thats only deployed when the male stars have too much on their plates.
This story was something like looking in a mirror for me. I was sooooo naive. With the help of my daughters and you guys I've come a long way in overcoming that simpleminded thinking.
Thanks! (((Hugs)))