Women In Tech: When Will They Shut Up And Be Men?
Women in technology continued to be a big problem this week, insisting that somehow the fact that they are women was even noteworthy, AS IF. Lets start with the genuinely horrible and end with the slightly less horrible, shall we?
From the seemingly endless morass of misogyny and stupid (plus very legitimate concerns about gaming journalism) that is gamergate comes the news that, for a very brief time Friday Amazon carried a self-published e-book detailing a violent rape fantasy about one Zoe Quinn, one of the game developers who has been the target of online harassment by a raving pack of assholes who somehow have convinced themselves that threatening her and other women game designers will somehow bring justice to the world.
(If youre lost and confused about what the hell Gamergate is, Gawker did an explainer a while back. Zoe Quinn is hated because she developed a game, and then an ex-boyfriend accused her of having sex with game reviewers so theyd promote it. Never mind that the only true parts of the story are that she created a game, she had a boyfriend, and they broke up. On the internet, things dont have to be true besides, she complained about misogyny after the death and rape threats, so shes the sexist.)