The white knights at Anonymous are threatening to sexually violate Iggy Azalea.
If I was to choose a side between the Iggy Azalea and Azealia Banks beef, I'd be squarely on the side of Banks. Iggy has appropriated hip-hop identity and exploited black culture for personal gain. She's also posted some rather disgusting remarks on Twitter.
However, I find the threats from Anonymous stomach churning. They have demanded Iggy apologize to Banks within 48 hours, or they will release footage from a sex tape purported to belong to Iggy.
The "benevolent" hacker collective might just be a bunch of basement dwelling pigs who find it chivalrous to pick up a conflict between two women and threaten one with sexual violation and exploitation.
Now about that sex tape. We wont release the actual video. We have values to live by.
TheAnonMessage (@TheAnonMessage) December 20, 2014
However, we will release various snapshots of her face to confirm. The idea is not about releasing nudes. This shows nothing.
TheAnonMessage (@TheAnonMessage) December 20, 2014
We are not in the business of pleasing 13-year old boys and their fantasies.
TheAnonMessage (@TheAnonMessage) December 20, 2014
All we simply ask for is an apology.
TheAnonMessage (@TheAnonMessage) December 20, 2014
You have 48 hours, @IGGYAZALEA.
TheAnonMessage (@TheAnonMessage) December 20, 2014
The misogynist "heroes" over at Anon remind us all that left-wing praxis and feminism are not synonymous.