History of Feminism
Related: About this forumWhen cupcake gets a hide
and whore doesn't.
Calling someone cupcake is sexist bullshit and gets a hide (as it should) But using the words pussy and whore are perfectly acceptable.
Well, the p-word is acceptable when you use it, not when you discuss and protest its use.
I guess the c-word is next up. Something needs to be done. I no longer feel comfortable or welcome reading GD. Imagine that, a democratic liberal not feeling welcome or wanted on a democratic message board.
(27,845 posts)More importantly, the "Nazi" prefix implies a different meaning
Lastly, while I agree that neither is acceptable... picking a Bush as a target makes otherwise unacceptable insults ok to many here.
(34,648 posts)Especially if you are a brittish feminist. Many will applaud. I learned that on DU.
(15,336 posts)one.
(55,066 posts)but am not going to lament that the other poster got a hide. Remember his Christmas even 2013 call out of Sea. That and other similar posts have stood. So this time it went against him.
As for the other post, I saw it and knew there was no point alerting or even commenting. That stuff is all too common here.
(55,066 posts)The link goes to a fitness magazine, but the OP meant to link to Lyndon Larouche folk. And it gets over 100 recs
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)so bright I can see it from Florida.
Some of these posters are so right wing I don't see how they can honestly call themselves Democrats and truly don't think they do irl.