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boston bean
(36,707 posts)Excellent news to see he got the boot! Thanks for letting us know!
(56,110 posts)but even I could see that asshole was a troll. I think I even got a hidden post over him.
Most of my hides are troll-induced (while I still accept responsibility for my own lack of control around them )
But he was a classic troll, causing other members in good standing to get in trouble - the absolute definition of trolling if you ask me.
boston bean
(36,707 posts)His posts were dripping with condescension and were flouting how much he could get away with. He always had the caveats to make himself appear reasonable, while he was jabbing his racist and misogynistic bullshit in peoples faces.
Anyone who agreed with this racist/misogynistic ass has got some problems identifying the good apples from the bad.
(4,035 posts)But who was he a return of?
boston bean
(36,707 posts)Who acts like a moth to a flame when sexism and misogyny and racism is discussed, you can be sure was here prior. Especially if they hold animosity to HOF.
(42,597 posts)And there are a number of particular individuals that come to mind
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)
(56,110 posts)
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)conceited? maybe. meh. I will take a fifth any time
boston bean
(36,707 posts)one who feels that way. There are probably some fringe persons who won't be happy about this, but they are just the fringe. My life experience has taught me, even though I use to think a different way, and can understand what people are saying, is that those people are harmful and bitter persons and harm themselves.
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)irritatingly so, imo.

(55,611 posts)I don't see any hides on his transparency page. BTW, you should post this in the African American group. He was a constant thorn in their side.
(56,110 posts)there are some links in that speculating what finally did it (probably a ton of unhidden alerts on his bullshit flooding Skinner's inbox LOL)
(90,132 posts)He sure targeted HoF and the African American Group. Always nipping at bravenak's heels.
(3,747 posts)TBH, I'm surprised he finally got banned. It's long past due though.
(110,159 posts)
(22,336 posts)and did some trolling in the environment and energy group too.
(90,132 posts)

(43,451 posts)night as a matter of fact, so weird & here over 3 1/2 years-
(110,159 posts)JTFrog
(14,274 posts)It's assholes like him that pretty much keep me from posting here anymore. And when it takes years to get rid of one cockroach, there doesn't really seem to be much hope of getting rid of the rest of the nasty critters.
I still read some threads, but participating is a waste of my fucking time when jackasses like that are allowed to go on with their bullshit for months and even years.
(24,544 posts)But it is still very good to see you again.
And yeah, there are about 5-7 more I can name off the top of my head that need to go. It took Joe three years with all of his hides and time outs so judging by how long it took to get rid of him, it'll take the admins about 12-15 years to get rid of the other ones.
Who of course by then, will have told ALL of their like-minded friends how cool it is to troll this place for giggles.
(3,180 posts)I was sick to my stomach yesterday after watching him castigate a poster throughout one of threads concerning race. Check his profile. He really hates those radfems and social justice warriors on the left - WTH.
Bobbie Jo
(14,344 posts)What a sorry-ass twit.
But DAMN, what took so long??
(53,661 posts)He creeped into the BOG, but did nothing overt to get blocked from the group, though. Made me ashamed to see his posts there.
I'm not sure why, but he never, ever replied to my posts. I usually try to make my positions clear and I'm sure I was a walking offense to him.
His obsession with DU's AA's was nauseating. Many tried to reason with him, as AA is one of the most thoughtful and open-minded groups on DU. Willing to discuss things with anyone.
He abused their hospitality and kept after Number 23, Bravenak and 1StrongBlackMan especially, with his IQ shrinking posts.
Uh no, I didn't like him.
(37,748 posts)It's telling to go into his post history and see who recced his posts or were more often than not, on the same side of the fence as him.
MRA's and racists are two sides of the same coin. A very obvious coin. A very ugly coin. A very common coin. A coin being used on DU quite often.
(110,159 posts)that would be telling.