25 Examples Of Male Privilege From A Trans Guy’s Perspective
This is so excellent!
1. Im suddenly funny.
Ive always been dry, sarcastic, and satirical with my humour. In Ye Olden Times, I was considered unfunny at best and a bitch at worst. Now that Im a short white guy, people automatically peg me for a comedian and laugh at the bulk of my mouth zings. But nothing has changed. Ive even recycled some of my old material that people didnt find funny before just to make sure.
2. Yet Im still taken (more) seriously.
Im still amazed at the amount of people that now immediately shut their mouths the second I open mine. Believe me, my ideas havent improved at all. Ive even tried to derail serious conversations with ludicrous stuff just to see what would happen and Id still be regarded highly.
3. I rarely get interrupted.
I used to be interrupted so often while presenting as a woman that I in turn started to talk over people as a form of conversational survival. Unfortunately, because it became so ingrained in me, I still find myself doing it from time to time even though its rarely necessary anymore.
4. I get paid more.
The proof is in my paychecks. Actual, numerical proof.
5. Its easier for me to be poor.
Aside from usually getting paid more, its been easier to find work when the person doing the hiring is a white guy. Its like helping out a buddy or something.