History of Feminism
Related: About this forumWe have our first 2016 Election Hillary is a whore post on DU!
Anyone surprised?
survives a jury and a post objecting vehemently gets hidden.
Harumph!!! Let's face it, women should remain courteous at all times! Even in the face of bigoted hatred!

(6,537 posts)Was here for Bush/Kerry, Obama/Clinton in the 2008 primary battle and the 2008, 2012 elections. Never have I seen anything like this stand -- it's wrong. So, I think I'll be taking a break from DU if it has turned into a place where this is condoned. Maybe a break forever.
boston bean
(36,720 posts)I hear you. I often question my participation as well. like I'm supporting this crap with $$ and clicks.
(6,537 posts)And it's supposed to exist as a refuge for Democrats. How we ended up bashing Democrats we don't like so mercilessly is contradictory to the aims of this site. Hillary Clinton is a democrat. The constant barrage of posts on DU trying to tear her apart is inexplicable. If you don't like her, fine. If you aren't going to vote for her in the primaries, fine. But as a fellow democrat, why try to destroy her? Bernie Sanders does not need this. He does not try to make himself look better by tearing Hillary down. I wish his supporters would follow his example because they are not doing him any favors with their hatred of her.
P.S. Hi, Boston Bean
(6,852 posts)charlyvi
(6,537 posts)freshwest
(53,661 posts)It was a haven when I first came here, meeting like minded people. While the mission statement says it is not the official voice of the Party, it drew in a lot of Democrats.
Although most of them have been driven away as the kind of negativity DU now thrives on does not work in real life. It either turns people of politics in general, but most especially Democrats. This has become our face to the world.
At first, when I began here, a victory for the people by the Democratic Party was sure to be celebrated and facts put out there. But people who took the time to research, analyze and post are few and far between in this environment.
It's in constant, unrelenting attack mode now. Republican opposition research is being done here, a number of posts here are cited in conservative and GOP sites to show that Democrats can do nothing right about anything. That they are in disarray, despite winning two terms for the first POTUS that broke the old mold and has benefitted so many. He is beloved in many parts of the world and they respect the USA more because of him.
The atmosphere prevents Democrats from feeling free to talk on anything meaningful, so discussion is reduced. DU was attacked by GOP trolls on its first day for daring to call out GWB. And we cannot tell how many people here are GOP or Libertarian, except by their posts, yet they are long term and waiting us out. Some low down tactics are being used to drive us away. That is why Democrats are leaving, as they see their fate.
What's sad is the Admins have worked to create the most user friendly site on the net. But it's being squatted upon by other parties who will attack all Democrats with no holds barred since they have nothing to lose by demoralizing Dems, and everything to win.
(34,502 posts)and a lot of us or some of us here are Bernie Sanders supporters. I would feel a lot more comfortable in this group if people did not accuse us of being the perpetrators of everything bad that is said or done to Hillary. I find the comment that was made atrocious and posted in the HRC group with my support regarding this issue. It serves no purpose to accuse us when there is no indication that this person is anything more than a troll. Sanders true supporters are trying to be like he is. There are a few people who just love the fight but that is hardly one sided. We cannot control what others do. Please, I love this group and do not want to feel like I can't come here because of who I support. I posted way down thread before I came back up here to respond to you. I am going to join in reporting this to admin again. As a woman, as a feminist I feel obligated to uphold a better circumstance for any woman but I can certainly leave this group too or just avoid it if this is going to become uncomfortable.
boston bean
(36,720 posts)Bernie supporters here in this thread?
As you know this thread isn't something new to DU, and Hillary is a woman running for president and you know as well as I that the sexist attacks will come from both the left and the right.
Being on the left doesn't mean someone can't be misogynist or sexist.
So, I would hope that when you see posts like this in here, that you try to keep in mind, that Hillary, most likely will receive supportive comments when these issues arise, as she should.
ETA, I see now.. the last sentence to the post you were responding too. I guess I look at it like this. Hillary supporters aren't going to be using sexist/misogynist slurs against her, so I guess it is natural to identify member (s) of the group that have.
Don't feel like you are being lumped in with them. Maybe fight them out there in general population! And try to get them to see the err of their ways instead of trying to get people who are rightfully upset and identifying a group responsible (that obviously doesn't apply to you).
You are a good member here and I truly appreciate your participation here. Please don't let defenses of Hillary in regard to sexism/misogyny make you feel uncomfortable.
I am a very strong Hillary supporter. The only OP's about the primary election will be to discuss sexism and misogyny. Which is nothing different than this group has done all along.
I know a lot of members here support Bernie and I am very sensitive to that fact.
(6,537 posts)I should have said "some" Bernie supporters. I apologize to you. I still maintain though that there are posters on this board out to destroy Hillary. Read the Latest Thread page at any moment of the day. And the many, many replies piling on the hatred. And please don't tell me it goes both ways. Of course there are anti Bernie posts, but the number of them compared to the anti Hillay invective is way out of line. and much more vile. Whether these are posted by RW sock puppets, some Bernie supporters, or folks that are just anti Hillary, they are not helping Bernie one bit.
I would say to them all, it takes a very small person to try and make their candidate look better by tearing down another.
(30,237 posts)and i find there's not much for me to read anymore. it's all so full of shit. seems like the people here could grow up and be civil, but it's not what happens. i don't know what the hell i will do without DU.
(6,537 posts)Guess I'll try to find another progressive site or maybe start cleaning my house more. It sure needs it!
good idea. clean the house, heaven knows i don't spend much time doing that!
(53,661 posts)A Simple Game
(9,214 posts)Did you ever read any of the Obama supporters posts about Hillary? And some of those same posters are still here but now on Hillary's side ignoring the facts they used against Hillary in '08.
boston bean
(36,720 posts)charlyvi
(6,537 posts)I don't remember seeing post after post after post tearing her down in this way. Whore?
(22,336 posts)Things did get ugly but it seems uglier. It was really ugly then too though.
Evergreen Emerald
(13,095 posts)In this case, the admins should have deleted the post. Having said that, DU has become unrecognizable. And in answer to your question, I am not surprised at the depths people go to insult Clinton.
DU has become ugly.
boston bean
(36,720 posts)Like hell it did!
(32,884 posts)Guess the powers that be will never figure out that when the majority rules minorities and women lose. Hard concept?
boston bean
(36,720 posts)pretty soon it's break with all the wear and tear.
This is not a difficult concept, but one that works for them at others expense.
A Simple Game
(9,214 posts)If minorities and women quit fighting for their own factions and combined all the minorities and women together they would be the majority. Groups of people that segregate themselves or allow themselves to be separated from the total will always lose out.
Ever heard the expression "divide and conquer?" the powers that be know what they are doing. By playing the we want this, they want that, and those people want something else game everyone ends up a loser. If all the Blacks, Latinos, women, etc. got together there would be no stopping them. The sad thing is none realize they all want the same thing, to be equal with everyone else.
It's not easier to move a small group ahead, it's easier to move the whole group ahead if everyone works together.
(32,884 posts)A Simple Game
(9,214 posts)DURHAM D
(32,884 posts)Looks like you dropped into HOF to cause trouble.
A Simple Game
(9,214 posts)You obviously don't understand what I was talking about so let's just quit the conversation.
If you would read my post I was offering advice, you don't have to listen to it and if that is trouble in your mind so be it.
(32,884 posts)I decided to let you know. Apparently you can't take a hint. Your scolding/lecturing is not appreciated and yes, now done with this conversation.
Calling this Hosts for cleanup.
Fred Sanders
(23,946 posts)before pulling the lever...so it is not really a "jury" system as much as it is a popularity contest.
And, yes, the judges at DU need to add a clause to the TOS like this:
This is Democratic Underground", not "Democraric Unhinged".
"Administrators reserve the right to delete any registered members postings that fail to comply with TOS for Democratic Party candidates for President as the TOS would be applied to registered members, regardless of results of a jury decision of registered members."
(53,661 posts)billhicks76
(5,082 posts)niyad
(122,596 posts)boston bean
(36,720 posts)charlyvi
(6,537 posts)in the current climate on DU. The fact that four jurors voted to let it stand is surprising. Also disgusting.
boston bean
(36,720 posts)The person who responded angrily to the affront, gets hidden.
But a misogynistic slur directed at Hillary Clinton stands.
That is not a system that is working, imho.
(6,537 posts)politics entered their decision.
boston bean
(36,720 posts)With the same result... maybe for good reason I do attribute to more than just not liking a particular candidate, and I might be wrong at times.
(53,661 posts)mercuryblues
(15,470 posts)expected it to get hidden.
Response to boston bean (Original post)
charlyvi This message was self-deleted by its author.
boston bean
(36,720 posts)charlyvi
(6,537 posts)Duh!
boston bean
(36,720 posts)UtahLib
(3,180 posts)I just served on a jury from an alerter attempting to hide your post defending the hidden "fuck you" post on that thread.
boston bean
(36,720 posts)deemed more offensive than the misogynist post.
As you have seen now three times in that same thread.
(42,607 posts)
(53,661 posts)Many have grown up with RW media telling them the most fantastical myths about HRC. And they are always deeply personal character smears that bear no context with reality.
I hate it that such are posting here and have turned many to their side. The IQ reduction in thinking and reasoniung is inverse to the number of posts made. Everyone wants to get along with the majority out of stupidity or fear.
I doubt all those who sang out 'Seig Heil' meant it, knowing the cost of not going along. This is the effect of the Koch and GOP mantra, that money equals free speech.
The more posts inundating a website, paid or not, the more the less aggressive posters will resist. They see a trend taking place and don't want to be left out. This is human nature.
So posts and recs equal people - often the same people who make racist or sexist OPs and protect their leader on juries.
Monkey see, monkey do. The greatest learning method has been overcome with dollars. The rightwingers don't even cloak the argument anymore.
If you are not wealthy, they say, you should not get to vote, even if the outcome keeps you in bad straits. How many of the same people say they won't vote and claim to be allies?
It is the opposite of democracy. More like aristocracy or the coming feudalism. They haven't missed a step on the road to eliminating opposition. What Charles P. Pierce said is good, but not as strong as it should have been. But then, he has to work for a living, too:
Modern conservatism is not about making the
government smaller. It's about making the government exclusive.
Their model is to keep out all the poor, women, minorities, the disadvantaged and the victims of the system out of power to change things. The ones who call for not voting if HRC is the candidate, are not being hurt by the status quo and will never be our allies.
(42,607 posts)I found an article to that effect--I'm at work, I'll try to post it later
(53,661 posts)riversedge
(74,476 posts)The post should be taken down period!
(6,537 posts)riversedge
(74,476 posts)In solidarity
(34,544 posts)ibewlu606
Who is with me in sending the pm or ata? We construct the same one then just keep sending it until the intruder is gone.
And correct me if I'm wrong - but wasn't that union (ibew) known for its rampant racism and sexism? Not sure I want to be associated with that.
A tip of the hat to the sweetheart who pointed tat out to me!
(18,124 posts)just got back from the vet. While I may not agree with HRC as my primary candidate, so far, doesn't mean this type of post should be accepted. Disagree on policy, on history but her sex has nothing to do with this election and anyone intimating that with derogatory words should be banned. That jury pissed me off.
(34,544 posts)You are a gentleman!
brer cat
(26,838 posts)I think they should be flooded with them. Frankly if this is allowed, then I am out of here. "Community Standards" can either be defined by the administrators or the lowest common denominator from among the posters. I guess they will let us know which they choose.
boston bean
(36,720 posts)heaven05
(18,124 posts)Last edited Sat Jul 18, 2015, 06:28 PM - Edit history (1)
survive a liberal, progressive jury. Makes me wonder.
(816 posts)
George II
(67,782 posts).....what he did was to unite and bring ALL camps of DU members together. Thanks "brother"!
Now, get the fuck out of here.
For what it's worth (I've posted this a couple of times already), here is the result of my alert on the "whore" post:
On Sat Jul 18, 2015, 10:17 AM you sent an alert on the following post:
This post is disruptive, hurtful, rude, insensitive, over-the-top, or otherwise inappropriate.
Referring to Hillary Clinton as a "whore" (twice) is offensive and inapproprriate!
A randomly-selected Jury of DU members completed their review of this alert at Sat Jul 18, 2015, 10:26 AM, and voted 3-4 to LEAVE IT ALONE.
Juror #1 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: No explanation given
Juror #2 voted to HIDE IT
Explanation: Are you kidding me!? Poster should be BANNED.
Juror #3 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: No explanation given
Juror #4 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: No explanation given
Juror #5 voted to HIDE IT
Explanation: Too iffy, even if it sounds okay to use the word in the male "economic sellout" sense. It's just that there's no trusting that same contextual use of it when sexist labels are too oppressive in other contexts for over half the population. Arguably using divisively sexist, pejorative language within the party just excuses opponents to use it, too, and they are the guyz who really do mean it.
Use of historically sexist words in other contexts just starts another version of all the "arguable," "excusable" contexts for using the word "nigger." Those who argue for using racist/sexist labels can then deny their own motives in word choice before the public.
Juror #6 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: No explanation given
Juror #7 voted to HIDE IT
Explanation: Could have gotten the idea across without such charged language.
Thank you.
Flying Squirrel
(3,041 posts)That is the kind of thing the jury system is SUPPOSED to hide. It was intellectually dishonest to include that non-hide in your OP as somehow proof that a vehement objection to an inappropriate post can never be hide-worthy or should not have been hidden. There are many less offensive and more productive ways to voice a vehement objection - do you really want DU to devolve to where that kind of language is acceptable for anyone who feels strongly about anything?
boston bean
(36,720 posts)boston bean
(36,720 posts)call Hillary Clinton a whore (you know as misogynistic slur?).
(20,064 posts)...but the response far more so. It deserved to be hidden.
boston bean
(36,720 posts)There is something really askew that the two would actually be equated with one another, and in your case determined to be worse.
For all, poster has been blocked, he will be unable to respond in the group.
(37,748 posts)"but the response far more so."
What specifically leads you to believe that?
(43,891 posts)seaglass
(8,182 posts)sexist, racist and homophobic attacks:
Laura Hudson @laura_hudson Jul 14
The rules a community makes about harassment are a declaration of their values. They tell us what matters to them, and WHO matters to them.

(32,884 posts)asjr
(10,479 posts)with DU. There have been many days that some smart aleck entries got posted. But nothing like that now. It seems almost every day we get posts that become a race to see who can be more ugly. The fun for me is no longer funny. I have become more reluctant to post because someone always answers with a smart remark that is unnecessary.
(22,336 posts)I'm not even a Clinton fan and it pisses me off. It is total bullshit that it wasn't hidden.
(7,896 posts)But is miffed that most people are not addressing the original post.
(34,502 posts)I hope (lol, like that does a lot of good) that the admins will get around to PPRing it AND the people who voted to let it stand.
This i going to get much worse if it is not stopped now.
I too will send something about this. I am sorry for all of you who support her and sorry for all of us who are women.
boston bean
(36,720 posts)
(16,600 posts)from a place that also allows the president to be called a POS used car salesman.
(40 posts)I can't see how any self-described liberal would find that acceptable.
Maybe Admins can get involved?
(98,038 posts)It was a "FU" response to the poster who said Hillary was a "w------", and very appropriate especially within the context
Probably even more troubling was a separate thread justifying it by saying it is a generic term, which is so off base. Not thing surprises me though when the "c" word was used against Hillary about a month ago that person was rightfully tombstones, but there were follow up posts arguing everything from it was metaphorical to it is common usage in UK so that makes it acceptable
Very sad
(1,423 posts)I've been working crazy hours and have not had time to make an informed decision. I'm sure both Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders would make great Presidents. The country will be in safe hands. I cannot say the same for any GOP candidate.
I've served on numerous juries at DU and always vote to hide when profanity and vitriol take over. Its in the "hurtful," and "over the top," classification. Both posts should be hidden Imho.
I'm considered pretty tough out here in the world, my occupation and the way I've led my life but DU somehow turns me into a bowl of jello for a spine. I'm out of my league when talking to long term posters who are better informed than I am and, quite possibly, intellectually overmatched and darned near computer illiterate. For instance, I've written articles and taken pictures for the articles but cannot figure out how to post the pic to the article.
We all have a voice. The "w-" comment could have been phrased differently. Please everyone, edit and review before clicking "send." Reminder to self also.
Response to boston bean (Original post)
Post removed
(32,884 posts)Given the Meta OP that was allowed to stay yesterday guess he will probably get away with it.
Update: I am shocked. It was locked.
(148,664 posts)DURHAM D
(32,884 posts)Thanks
(148,664 posts)A lot depends on how many hosts are currently online. I locked it as soon as I saw the alerts.
boston bean
(36,720 posts)
(148,664 posts)Truly.
boston bean
(36,720 posts)boston bean
(36,720 posts)when deriding its usage. to one using it in a sexist/misogynist way. It is disruptive to this group.
So, I blocked him.
(32,884 posts)poor baby
geek tragedy
(68,868 posts)Not ok to use it against any woman.
(14,274 posts)
. I agree that person is a troll.
He dropped a turd in a thread, stared a shitstorm, and then made no effort whatsoever to explain himself. Furthermore, he has a history of inflammatory comments like this.
To be clear, as much as it pains me to say it, I don't think that specific post is by itself cause for banning. As you know there is a very long history (including here on DU) of people using the word "whore" to refer to public figures (both male and female) who are doing the bidding of powerful interests. People on this website routinely post about "corporate whores" or "media whores" and barely anyone thinks it is out-of-bounds.
But the fact that this was aimed specifically at a prominent Democrat who is also a woman does bother me very deeply. I am really disappointed that large numbers of DU members (including a majority of the jurors on that post) thought that that post was within bounds. And it wasn't a jury of "trolls" either -- the jurors who voted to leave the post were all long-term members with thousands upon thousands of posts and stars next to their usernames.
So I guess the takeaway here is that we need to decide what kind of community we want this to be. We have the power, though our posts and through our jury service, to set a higher standard. We just have to decide to use it.
And another thing: For people who are seeing this through the partisan lens of the Democratic presidential primary, it seems to me that that supporters of every Democratic presidential candidate have an interest in curbing this kind of language. Obviously Hillary Clinton supporters don't like seeing their favored candidate smeared in this way. But supporters of Bernie Sanders or other Democrats should not want to see this either, because it makes them (and by association, their candidate) look very bad.
"we need to decide what kind of community we want this to be"
We? They set the site up for mob rule. How on earth can community standards ever be upheld in this manner?
(16,184 posts)The word "whore" is a derogatory term for someone who sells themselves to serve someone else, while "corporate whore" is a derogatory term for someone who sells themselves to serve someone else.
See? Totally different.