Why does Default mode have the column for thread titles narrowed, with a really tiny font, tinier than the sidebar?
It really takes away from the impact of the thread titles.
Especially compared to DU3: https://web.archive.org/web/20230909133656/https://democraticunderground.com/?com=forum&id=1002
There you see a much larger font for the thread titles than the font used in the sidebar.
The columns for # of replies, author, start time, etc. don't have to be as wide as they are in Default mode - especially at the expense of a more readable font for the thread titles..
At least with Skinner mode in DU4, the thread titles aren't in a smaller font than the sidebar text. Though it still looks tiny, compared to the old DU3, with all the extra white space on both side of the board.
EDITING to add: Why are there columns of white space on both sides of DU4 pages in Skinner mode? I'm looking at DU with my Chromebook.
I have to zoom out to 125% to get rid of it those empty columns. I'd wondered at first if it was to place extra ads, but Skinner mode is, as I understand it, availably only to Star members who don't see ads.