Victim of Nevada's "Greyhound Therapy" found and interviewed by Sac. Bee.
Not exactly a Tolkien-esque adventure story, he now has the attention of a group home, a civil rights attorney, and communication has been established with his daughter.
Cast out of Nevada, mentally ill man tells story of finding kindness in Sacramento
By Cynthia Hubert
Published: Sunday, Apr. 7, 2013 - 12:00 am | Page 1A
By the time his Greyhound bus hissed to a stop on Richards Boulevard in Sacramento on the morning of Feb. 12, James Flavy Coy Brown was in a mild panic.
It was 6:30 a.m., 15 hours and 11 stops after a taxi had scooped him up in front of Rawson-Neal Psychiatric Hospital in Las Vegas, where he had spent the previous 72 hours, and deposited him at a bus station.
During the long ride to Northern California, Brown had rationed the peanut butter crackers and Ensure nutritional supplements that a staff member at the mental hospital had given him, along with his discharge papers and a bus ticket to Sacramento. His food was gone, and he was nearly out of the medication to treat his array of mood disorders, including schizophrenia, depression and anxiety.
As the bus door opened in Sacramento, Brown, 48, stepped out into the pre-dawn gloom. It was 30 degrees, and his windbreaker was no match for the chill.
Brown, a native of the American South with a distinct accent and a healthy head of salt-and-pepper hair, had arrived in the capital city with no concrete plan for survival. He had no friends or relatives in Sacramento. He had lost his ID, Social Security and insurance cards somewhere in Las Vegas. He had no idea how to fill the prescriptions that helped tame the voices and anxiety that clouded his mind.
He wondered if he was destined to die on the streets of this strange new city.
Scanning the landscape, he spotted a nearby police station. Desperation drove him inside.
"Can you help me?" he asked.
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