Gun manufacturers depend on gun nuts with double-digit IQs
I should have made a parody out of this piece since it is so farcical. But just visualize this scenario. President Barack Obama opens his mouth about some reasonable gun control and thousands of gun nuts go rushing to their nearest weapons supply store and stock up on handguns and assault rifles. No matter that all these short supply brainiacs already have an arsenal of each, bought the last time President Barack Obama opened his mouth about reasonable gun control.
It's the NRA plan, led by Wayne LaPierre, and the gun manufacturers pay him well to pump up these stooges to do their bidding. And it has worked. There has been another rally in gun stocks because the stock market knows their coffers will swell significantly when LaPierre's puppets hit the streets and storm the gun stores.
It's like the little old lady who gives her last $2 to charity; some of these gun addicts probably have trouble putting food on the table but will still purchase an AR-15. This has gotten so pathetic that some of these people should probably be committed. But that won't happen and gun manufacturers will go on selling more guns, some of which will end up on the street and take part in future daily killings and mass shootings.
Nasty Jack Blog

(40,323 posts)Only fair to point out that he also cost a lot of stupid people a lot of money.
(3,245 posts)-none
(1,884 posts)CompanyFirstSergeant
(1,558 posts)Hello;
I am wondering if I am included in your statement...
I suppose am what you would consider a 'gun nut.' I am a middle age (50s) white male living in a rural area.
I own several AR-15s. Several other long guns and about a half-dozen handguns.
I also have a master's degree. I have spent my professional life in law enforcement, the military, and as an inner-city educator.
I have been debt free for ten years, my wife and I own a 2000 square foot home (that's 4 bedrooms on 3 levels for those not familiar with square footage.) On five acres overlooking a lake, up here in the country.
We have three grown children, all productive members of society. One of whom is in the military.
I arrived at ground zero at 6:30 pm. and stayed for three days.
I coughed up blood for a year afterwards.
I never had my IQ tested.
Does your original post apply to me?
Just wondering.
Electric Monk
(13,869 posts)are about guns and your gun collection and how much you love guns, clearly this Group (Gun Control Reform Activism) is not for you.
You may now return to the Gungeon (you clearly know how to find it) and whine about how I'm such a big meanie for un-inviting you from this Safe Haven.
Have a nice day, and goodbye
/GCRA Host