No one gun control law will have much, if any, effect on gun violence BUT
a series of interrelated regulations passed at the same time could make a serious change in gun violence.
Universal background checks are a no-brainer but for them to work there must be a universal electronic searchable data base of guns or it can't be enforced. California has such a system and felony convictions are checked against it so guns can be confiscated when needed.
Permit to purchase to be issued by the Chief Local Law Enforcement Officer with local background checks as well as the NICS. The locals know who the trouble makers are, who has anger management issues and who rack up a number of public intoxication charges and the like.
Background checks to buy ammunition. Can't use that illegal gun if you don't have bullets.
These four items, all passed at the same time can make a difference.

(6,650 posts)checks, Hawaii has much of that already along with a low gun violence rate:
The dark roll of gun violence in America is sadly familiar, and growing. Virginia Tech, Fort Hood, Aurora, Sandy Hook. Each time, our nation stands in witness to the shock, the tears, and the makeshift memorials. Recently, Cornell Square Park and the Washington Navy Yard joined that list.
Each of these events has underscored the urgent need for Congress to advance critical gun violence prevention efforts at the federal level. We cannot turn away again. Our focus must remain squarely on the need to protect our communities while also respecting the rights of gun owners. Our experience in Hawaii has shown that we can place common sense limits on gun sales, demonstrate our respect for gun owners, and, most importantly, help ensure the safety of our residents.
The Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence ranks Hawaiis gun laws as the fifth strongest in the nation. At the same time, we have the lowest rate of gun deaths in the country. The implication is clear: strong gun laws save lives.
Hawaiis gun laws are strict, but hardly draconian. All handgun transfers, whether from a dealer or a private seller, require a permit, and sellers must report transfers to the issuing authority. The buyer of a rifle or shotgun can obtain a permit that covers all purchases for one year, although all transfers must still be reported. Permits call for background checks and a mandatory 14-day waiting period. Permit applicants also agree to allow the issuing authorities access to any records that have a bearing on the applicants mental health; doctors are given immunity from civil liability for providing that information in connection with a permit application.
Gun control does work, and contrary to the right-wing gun lobby's assertions no one's sacred Second Amendment rights are "infringed" in the process.
(2,902 posts)It's what North Carolina does to make sure you're the right color in order to be allowed to own a gun. Instead, we should just be sensible and say no.
(6,650 posts)It is not the "permission" to buy/own a gun which is racist, as it applies to everyone. It is the racism which is wrong, and the aspect of the prejudiced mentality which should be addressed -- morally and legally.