This Is What The Average Gun Owner Looks Like In America
But that wont happen until we learn more about the culture that drives gun ownership in the first place, according to Dr. Bindu Kalesan, a gun violence researcher at Columbia Universitys Mailman School of Public Health. In a first step toward understanding who the typical American gun owner is, as well as the role guns play in their lives, she conducted a nationally representative online survey of 4,000 U.S. adults in 2013. The findings, published Monday in the journal Injury Prevention, reveal a wide range of gun ownership rates across the country as well as the profile of an average gun owner in America.
Hes white, married or divorced, high income, and over 55 years old. Unsurprisingly, hes also more than twice as likely to be a member of social gun culture than those who dont own firearms. In all, almost one in three Americans owns at least one gun, but gun ownership rates vary widely across states. At 61.7 percent, Alaska has the highest rate of gun ownership, while Delaware has the lowest, at 5.2 percent.
Kalesans study defined social gun culture as a phenomenon in which friends or family would think less of you if you didnt own a gun, and if your social life with friends and family involved guns. Any survey participant who answered yes to any of these statements was categorized as being part of social gun culture.
Far from needing a gun for survival or "protection" many gun owners have them for ego-driven reasons, or for peer acceptance. There is nothing inherently wrong with having a gun just because they're cool, but being the dangerous weapons that they are responsibility for owning a gun should be mandatory.
Regulating responsibility for the ownership of a lethal weapon does not violate, nor "infringe" on the rights guaranteed by the Second Amendment, regardless of how it is interpreted. We need to put a stop to the needless death and injuries caused by irresponsible gun owners:
In 2013 alone, 33,636 persons were killed using a gun, while 84,258 were shot non-fatally, said Kalesan. Those who are injured have a difficult journey during recovery, some remaining paraplegic and injured often with PTSD for the rest of their lives.

(2,493 posts)The average gun criminal?
(6,650 posts)Bubba. You must be late for a Trump rally, so we'll see you around. K?
(2,493 posts)What does the appearance of the average gun owner have to do with gun violence, unless all the gun owners are committing gun violence?
Bubba huh? Haven't been called Bubba ever. Or a Trump supporter. But if you have no answers to legitimate questions I guess you make personal attacks.
On edit, that average gun owner profile seems even less relevant to gun violence when you think about it. How many 55 year old white males are going around shooting others? I don't have the statistics at hand but aren't most gun crimes committed by younger males - Dylan Roof, Adam Lanza, etc.?
Response to TeddyR (Reply #6)
Post removed
(2,493 posts)You are consistent in both your insults and inability to answer simple questions. So what does the profile of the average gun owner (55, white male, might be married might not be) have to do with firearm violence? What is the definition of "bubba"? Would that be someone like Bill Clinton, a white male from a southern state?
Response to TeddyR (Reply #9)
Post removed
(2,493 posts)Was just trying to have a discussion and sorry for asking questions you couldn't answer - I understand that facts sometimes aren't your friend. Thanks for the insults though! Have a good weekend.
(42,649 posts)The die hard syndrome, or the Rambo syndrome, or the terminator syndrome. A way to compensate?
(6,650 posts)all of the above.
(42,649 posts)Warpy
(113,131 posts)too many episodes of "Cops."
That doesn't apply to Alaska or any other largely rural area where the animals are large, plentiful and dangerous.
(6,650 posts)appears to be confused by the results of the study. The article does not accuse anyone of gun violence, but identifies which members of our society make up the "gun culture." White, middle-aged married/divorced men buy and hoard the most guns. They don't acquire them for the reasons we so often hear about (safety, protection, etc.) but because of peer pressure and ego.
But then again, gun humpers only hear/read what the NRA tells them to anyway.
(654 posts)enjoyable.
(53,235 posts)
Ammosexuals make me laugh.