Tell Republicans in Congress: “Thoughts and prayers” are not enough. We need real gun control.
They need to pass real gun control now, including:
Closing the terror gap by allowing the Department of Justice to block guns sales to anyone on the terror watch list. Between 2004 and 2014, more than 2,000 people on the list purchased guns in the U.S.
Closing the loophole that allows people to buy guns without undergoing background checks through private sales, at gun shows and online. An estimated 40 percent of all firearms transferred in the U.S. are transferred by unlicensed individuals not required to conduct background checks on buyers.
Banning convicted domestic abusers and stalkers from buying guns. Abused women are five times more likely to be killed by their abuser if that individual has access to a firearm.
Prohibiting the manufacture and sale of assault weapons and "large capacity" magazines for civilian use.
Right now, ALEC/NRA/ILA apologists and right-wing gun lobbyists are busy defending their definition of an "assault weapon" and arguing that the Second Amendment protects their "right" to any weapon they want to carry in the public venue.
Stand up to these gun nut bullies, and demand that our politicians enact legislation to cover all of the steps (and more) that are outlined above.
Vote for those Democrats who are neither afraid of the NRA right-wing gun lobby, nor accept their corrupt campaign bribes.

(54,952 posts)pscot
(21,044 posts)Wouldn't want to trigger Wayne La Pierre.
Just reading posts
(688 posts)the national level.
(6,650 posts)How about if we work on taking back Congress? How about if our new Democratic President appoints a sensible non-NRA paid for SCOTUS justice? How about if we work to elect Democrats at the City, County, and State level?
Doing nothing is not an option.
Just reading posts
(688 posts)persuading them to pass it. This is pointless. As long as they control Congress, nothing is going to happen at the national level, no matter how many letters we write to them.
How about if we work on taking back Congress? How about if our new Democratic President appoints a sensible non-NRA paid for SCOTUS justice? How about if we work to elect Democrats at the City, County, and State level?
That would make passing gun control more likely, I agree. I was simply pointing out that trying to persuade Republicans to enact gun control is an exercise in futility.
(6,650 posts)your complaint with Credo and Daily Kos as they are the ones circulating the petition. For myself, I signed the petition and will sign every one that I can find. I will also donate money to gun control organizations as I am able.
Funny though, Republicans have been persuaded by the voting public in the past over very diverse issues, as they need their jobs to support their lifestyles. At some point, the NRA handouts are not enough to sustain them.
But please, keep visiting this Group and adding your sage guidance and support for our efforts, and when you get a chance please read the SOP here:
P.S. You sound familiar. What was your former DU screen name?