Regulate Firearms Like Other Consumer Products
The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) regulates household and recreational products such as toasters, lawn mowers, and toys. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) oversees the safety of food and prescription drugs. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) regulates motor vehicles.
Thanks to the political clout of the gun lobby, firearms escaped safety regulation in the 1970s when the U.S. Congress created the major product safety agencies. This unique exemption has allowed gunmakers to innovate for lethality rather than safety. As a result, todays gun industry thrives on developing, manufacturing, and marketing highly militarized firearms including high-capacity pistols, assault weapons, and 50 caliber sniper rifles.
Guns kill more than 33,000 Americans every year. We can stop this epidemic of gun violence: regulate firearms to reduce death and injury and protect public health, just as we do for all other consumer products.
The right-wing gun lobby and those who support them bear the responsibility for the deaths and injuries sustained in the gun violence epidemic in this country. Support and vote for Democrats who will stand up to these armed bullies, and pass legislation which will control the spread of guns and the irresponsible carnage they bring.

flamin lib
(14,559 posts)The Glock pistol, most popular with law enforcement and many gun enthusiasts, has no mechanical safety, a very short trigger travel and a relatively light trigger pressure. This leads to the gun discharging when drawn from or inserted into the holster resulting in a leg injury. It happens often enough that it has a name.
Any other consumer product would be recalled under the Consumer Protection Act. Not guns because they are so special.
33,000 die, but 100,000 are wounded every year.
The wounded count too.
(6,650 posts)family members, friends, and co-workers of the dead and wounded, the number directly affected is much, much higher. Irresponsible gun owners are a definite menace to society, and gun manufacturers, along with the right-wing gun lobby, enable their irresponsibility.