Does anyone remember a prominent outdoorsman...
...and prolific writer who wrote a review completely panning assault-style weapons for sporting uses and whose career subsequently tanked?
Who was that?
On edit: What would really be cool would be a link to the article, but it was probably scrubbed off the 'Net a while back.

(26,366 posts)Archive of his article on the issue:
(1,265 posts)Doc_Technical
(3,647 posts)Paladin
(29,681 posts)I agreed with his opinions on assault rifles then, and I agree with him to this day. People aren't buying AR-15's for healthy sporting purposes, they're buying them because they're military-styled weapons designed to kill multiple human beings. Such firearms contribute to a really malignant, childishly-violent fantasy life---check out the on-line sites devoted to AR-15's and AK-47's, or just look at the daily droppings in DU's Gun Control & RKBA group for confirmation of this. And whatever conciliatory remarks you now see from Gun Enthusiasts, just keep in mind that they're in response to a black psychotic killing a group of white policemen---the gun militants had a whole different attitude for the multiple incidents of white psychotics slaughtering innocents with their precious black guns.