5 arguments against gun control — and why they are all wrong
http://www.latimes.com/opinion/op-ed/la-oe-defilippis-hughes-gun-myths-debunked-20160708-snap-story.htmlNo good way to cut and paste but well worth the read. Pretty much lays waste to the talking points mantra.

(2,550 posts)The National Rifle Association and its allies have their post-shooting routine down cold. They wait a day or two and then respond with a blistering array of attacks against gun-safety advocates calling for reform. No matter what the circumstances a husband and wife at a Christmas party, a deranged teenager at a movie theater, or a sniper targeting police officers at a peaceful demonstration they make the same points, which, unsurprisingly, often appear detached from the realities on the ground. After the attack at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Fla., they marshaled five common pro-gun arguments, all of which crumble under scrutiny:
A good guy with a gun would have stopped it
In discussing Orlando, Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee, mused, If you had guns on the other side, you wouldnt have had the tragedy that you had. It was a clear homage to the NRAs mantra that the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.
The Times Editorial Board
It made for pretty good drama. U.S. Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) took the floor Wednesday to lead a filibuster on guns. It ended 15 hours later when the Republican leadership agreed to allow votes on two gun control amendments one that could ban people who have been investigated for (but not necessarily...
It made for pretty good drama. U.S. Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) took the floor Wednesday to lead a filibuster on guns. It ended 15 hours later when the Republican leadership agreed to allow votes on two gun control amendments one that could ban people who have been investigated for (but not necessarily...
(189,184 posts)On Dec. 14, 2012, a man wielding a knife assaulted people at a school in Chempeng, China, stabbing 23 children and one adult. Hours later, a man armed with an AR-15 attacked an elementary school in Newtown, Conn., shooting 20 students and eight adults. At Sandy Hook, all 20 children and six of the eight adults died. In China, there wasnt a single fatality. The gun made all the difference.
(23,156 posts)the stabbing in China as proof that bad people will do terrible things, just with another means. So, apparently, allowing everyone ready access to guns is a good thing, because at least we don't have mass stabbings in this country. I hope the sarcasm is obvious to all.
(6,650 posts)that the gun lobby and the NRA don't have "talking points."
(14,376 posts)I was called an "ammophobe" in a discussion with some of the gun apologists. I do admit I am very scared of ammo - especially if it is heading towards me at 4,000 ft/sec.
Another poster said that if a 'defensive gun usage' saves just one life for every 9,000 gun-related 'criminal homicides,' it would be worth it.
I really don't understand why we have this RKBA forum on a Democratic site. We wouldn't tolerate a forum to promote Trump; why a vehicle for the NRA to post their propaganda?
(6,650 posts)is to trash the other forum and avoid the headache. This group was formed as an alternative to the constant NRA propaganda, and it is a protected Group -- we escort those who don't support gun control to the door.
Welcome to GCRA...
I guess I didn't realize the set-up, but I had already trashed the forum.
If i want that kind of irrational bullshit I'll go back to my ex-wife.