2 Year old killed by gunfire in Minneapolis.
I've known a lot of hunters and even belonged to a gun club once, but quit because of the required NRA membership rule. This was many years ago and I currently have an old muzzle loader around somewhere and the powder and the bullets somewhere. Give me 2-3 days and I might be able to round them up. I know that there are decent people who own guns and love to hunt. I certainly felt safe around the gun club crowd. There was a time when I was a very good shot, but then I got bored with the whole thing. Whatever, it should be obvious to the most casual of observers that the gun has got to go.I'm sick of hearing about "rights" and the Constitution. After all, the Constitution is what the courts say it is. As any lawyer knows, the last place to look for Constitutional law is the Constitution. Where are the rights of the 2 year old in this? Where are the rights of the young man murdered at 6 am on Sunday morning 2 blocks from me? This latest outrage happened about 2-3 miles from my house. the police shooting that made the big news happened in an area I drive through all the time. No "sportsman" needs more than a single shot, and their weren't many repeaters until after the civil war. The carnage of the Civil War attest they can do the job. As for me I think it's time the gunners find a new hobby. It isn't as if their wasn't other things to do. I think the current proposed legislation is useless and we need to change the culture to make guns unacceptable .http://www.twincities.com/2016/07/10/2-year-old-fatally-shot-in-minneapolis-lived-in-st-paul/

(69,304 posts)It's become a form of identity. Knitters think of knitting as part of who they are. Cosplayers do the same thing. They tend not to get psychotic about it, of course, because there is almost no way one could rationally tie either of those enthusiasms to the concept of patriotism. Gun owners, however, see their guns as proof of their 'patriotism'. And no one is going to tell them differently.
How unshakeable is this form of identity? Well, as we have seen, no amount of dead children in our schools will convince gunners that runaway proliferation of gun ownership is a contributing factor in these deaths.
'I don't care how many kids die, as long as I get to keep my guns'. I'm pretty sure at least one gun-nut is on record as saying that.
(6,650 posts)and I totally agree with this statement: "we need to change the culture to make guns unacceptable." ALEC/NRA/ILA/GOA and the death merchant gun manufacturers they represent, have placed profits above health and safety, and are directly responsible for thousands of deaths and injuries in this country every year.
The answer is to vote for Democrats at all levels of government whose vote can't be purchased by the right-wing gun lobby.
(9,148 posts)The only winners in Dallas were the NRA profiteers.
This has to end for a civil society to exist.
The NRA profiteers play each against the other.
They win every time. And that is their Corporate bottom line.
Appreciate your post.
(3,429 posts)I keep the official army photograph of my grandfather on the wall next to my computer. He was an architect who was called up early in world war II because the only job he could get during the great depression was in the corps of engineers. He designed and built public parks and campgrounds with coordination of the CCC to provide young men with jobs and a place to live. All of his projects are still there, including 2 on the National Historic Register. He ran artillery from Pearl Harbor to Okinawa and received three silver stars. I wouldn't know it except got the official Army obit. he wore none of them for his official portrait. I always thought of that when I saw Betray Us(( who never was in combat) wearing clean latrine medals down to his waste. My grandsfather never owned a gun. I'm convinced that the ideation of killing is behind gun lust. I spent most of my life in manufacturing and listening to gun nuts talk is maddening. It's a simple fucking hammer and hasn't changed in one hundred years. It's to kill. Dickless wonders I cal them. All that piece of steel is gonna do is get someone killed. So now I'm old and get by by Social Security and playing guitar when my joints are able and don't want my very black granddaughter to get shot.
(9,148 posts)Much love to you & your family.