City officials: 3 dead, 1 hurt in shooting north of Seattle
The suspect was pulled over and arrested three counties away, Officer Myron Travis of the Mukilteo Police Department said.
About 15-20 people were in the home at the time of the shooting, and all have been interviewed by police, he said.
"Our community has suffered a great loss tonight," Mayor Jennifer Gregerson said. "There were many young people who saw and heard things that no one should ever experience."
Another day, another multiple shooting. Got a problem? Got a gun? Problem solved.

(73,525 posts)I hope the NRA is able to get there so the all important gun can be saved.
(6,650 posts)payment on the invoice for Liberty and Freedumb for the gun culture.
(73,525 posts).... will we stand up and do something about the proven link between
the proliferation of guns and the proliferation of gun deaths.
3 dead and one wounded = God only knows how many friends and
families will be going through hell.
(6,650 posts)gun owners as drastically different from the right-leaning cult of the "gun culture." The cold-dead-hands Second Amendment absolutists and the NRA apologists have taken the right to own a gun to drastic extremes of public carry and display, coupled with lax laws and regulations, which has helped to produce an epidemic of gun violence in our communities.
More and more Americans (including gun owners) are becoming disgusted with the right-wing "guns for everyone, everywhere" marketing message, and are calling for tighter gun regulation. That's a good thing...
(73,525 posts)
If you could see some of the people who were there, the rebel flags, and the whole "vib" of the
place you would not sleep for days. Some were getting ready for the end times, others were
stocking up for the late night attack by government gun grabbers and or zombie killers, and others
were just dumb mother fuckers.
After 20 babies were killed @ Xmas time along w/6 teachers in Newtown, CT republicans have made it
easier to get and carry guns. We need to win this election big and make some real changes.
BTW I like Tim Caine because he has aa zero rating from the NRA and 100% rating from NARAL.
I wish you well.

(6,650 posts)