How the NRA Uses Tragedy to Tell Lies About Gun Control
The biggest lie which comes from the NRA is that liberals want to revoke the second amendment and take away guns from law-abiding citizens. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Liberals actually believe in the Constitution; they are not like their conservative counterparts who talk about it, but dont actually believe in the Law of the Land.
The featured article in the recent NRA magazine is an enormous lie; possibly the biggest the lobby has ever told. It is a wretched attempt to use loss of human life to promote gun sales.
NRA Magazine: Gunned-Down Dallas Police Officers Gave Their Lives For Gun Rights.
The above is the title of the article. It is both misleading and a lie. The brave police officers in Dallas gave their lives to protect innocent citizens; they were doing their jobs. Law enforcement and the military all agree that military style weapons; assault rifles; should not be available to average citizens. The coward who ambushed the officers in Dallas used just such a weapon which he legally purchased.
The right-wing gun lobby, as represented by the NRA/ILA/GOA criminal cabal and their apologists and supporters, are directly responsible for the 30,000 gun violence deaths annually in this nation.

flamin lib
(14,559 posts)much of either.
NRA says 'slippery slope', it's just the starting point to TAKE OUR GUNS AWAY!
Gun dealers say, 'suppressors (silencers) save your hearing when they only reduce noise by about 40 db. All they really do is make the gun longer which is the biggest draw anyway (and remove $300 from the pocket of the poor susceptible gunner.
Gunners parrot NRA dogma about restrictive laws not preventing gun violence but have no answer for traffic laws that don't prevent EVERY case if speeding and seriously don't want to drive to work without them.
It is sad that so many of them are afraid to leave home without a loaded gun with a round in the chamber. It's called Agoraphobia and is diagnosable and treatable, just not with more guns.
(1,265 posts)Of course, I was stoned at the time, which would explain a lot. Still, it makes just as much sense.