NRA Buys Deck Chairs on Trump's Titanic
(X-posted from GD-2016: )

ready for a Republican civil war
NRA Buys Deck Chairs on Trump's Titanic
Oct 13, 2016 11:58 AM EDT
By Francis Wilkinson
According to the Center for Responsive Politics, the National Rifle Association this year has already broken its record for political spending, backing the Republican Party with more than $36 million. More than $21 million of that sum was devoted to attacking Hillary Clinton or supporting Donald Trump.
"The blitz cements the NRAs status as a key cog in Republican electoral efforts," reported the Trace. "This cycle, it has paid out more than any other conservative group aside from three Super PACs formed to back GOP presidential candidates."
Trump is not looking like a shrewd investment. Republican strategists fear he could take the Republican Senate majority down with him, and even, if he tries extra hard, blow up the Republican majority in the House.
Clinton, meanwhile, is more overtly hostile to the NRA than any presidential candidate in history. She campaigns with mothers of victims of gun violence, aggressively champions universal background checks and advertises her willingness to "take on the gun lobby."