Ohios Insane Guns Everywhere Bill Covers Airports, Childcare Centers, and Even Police Stations
Cliff Schecter
12.07.16 1:00 AM ET
If theres one piece of legislation that captures the agonizing state of our fact-free and far-from-brave-new Trump world, its the Guns Everywhere bill being debated by the Tea Party-heavy lawmakers in my home state of Ohio. Its very existence is a reminder that indisputable facts are not kryptonite to the bullshit peddled by bought-off pols, but theyre what we have, so lets shine whatever light we can on the many ways the bills both dippy and dangerous.
Currently only trained law-enforcement officers can bring guns into day-care centers. Yet this law would let anyone carry concealed, loaded guns into your toddlers safe spaces.
Speaking of law enforcement, do you think it would be easier for them to protect themselves if any churlish citizen could pack hidden heat in police stations? The mummified Ohio Legislature and their benefactors at the swinish, Putinized National Rifle Association do.
How about porting guns into airports? Sure!

(6,409 posts)The NRA convention.
(47,953 posts)I suspect a lot of Trumpers are going to be pretty disappointed that they can't celebrate by shooting their AK 47's into the air.
flamin lib
(14,559 posts)'the law of unintended consequences'.
A few years back it was reported that about 2 million guns were stolen annually and fed the illegal black market. Then states began to make it legal to keep a gun in your car when parked in public. I think the number of stolen guns last year was 6 million, the increase from car thefts.
I've seen statistics that indicate states with Stand Your Ground laws see an increase in homicides of 10-15% in the year following passage. Not murder you understand, but "justifiable" homicides.
I wonder what unintended consequences the Ohio law will provide for us. Perhaps like a Levi Strauss outlet a law abiding citizen will 'accidentally' discharge their weapon in a childcare center.
(6,650 posts)Freedom, and Liberty, and self-defense, and those dark-skinned scary people, and Muslims, and Hindus, and Jews, and Trump baby! Most of all, Trump baby!