NRA/ALEC Republican "Constitutional carry"
The real goal of this obscene legislation is to sell more guns, and to turn the gun violence map of the USA blood red:
Green represents the states with the strongest gun laws and the least gun violence, and shows a direct link to weak gun laws and increased gun violence. The gun nuts will try to deny this correlation, but study after study confirms it.
What the NRA and their apologists are trying to accomplish is to spread their hate and violence all across this nation, just as the Trumpster and his drooling idiots are advocating.
Even the politically motivated Heller SCOTUS (5-4 Republican) decision allowed for regulation of guns -- especially concealed guns -- and specifically stated that the decision should not be misconstrued to instill a "right" to carry any weapon, for any reason, in any venue. The right-wing gun nuts claim the "constitutional right" to carry guns anywhere, but the Second Amendment neither conveys that right, nor was it meant to.
Keep the public venues of our states, cities, and communities gun free, and gun violence free.

Angry Dragon
(36,693 posts)billh58
(6,650 posts)ALEC is their brainchild.
Angry Dragon
(36,693 posts)Paladin
(29,692 posts)It's a bullshit term trotted out by the pro-gun types, trying to deflect from all the bad publicity the "open carry" term has received. We can't afford to let the pro-gun militants control the vocabulary in this fight. Don't fall for their whining about assault rifles, sniper rifles, high-capacity magazines, high-powered ammunition, or any of the rest of it. Just remember that their positions on gun laws are fundamentally weak and derived from right-wing talking points; we have just as much of a right to complain about their terminology as they do ours---hence the need for the quotes around "constitutional carry."
(6,650 posts)"Constitutional carry, "concealed carry," and "open carry," are just different ways of stating what it actually is: carrying a lethal weapon in the public venue. Neither the Second Amendment, nor the various SCOTUS interpretations (especially Heller) specifically allows for the public carry of "arms" by civilians.
Their ultimate gun fantasy is to become a hero by killing a bank robber with their precious. The reality, however, is that they would most likely shoot themselves or some innocent bystander. Village idiots with guns, one and all.
(16,953 posts)hypocritical assholes...