The NRA's New Plan for Even More Guns in Schools Doesn't Add Up
By Alexander Abad-Santos | The Atlantic Wire 2 hrs 52 mins ago
The National Rifle Association, the ongoing lobbying interests of which primarily exist for the promotion of buying more guns under the auspices of "safety," has apparently concluded once and for all that the way to keep schools safe in the aftermath of mass shootings is to bring more guns on campus, with its $1 million task force suggesting Tuesday that the government change laws surrounding gun-free zones and make the NRA's approximately $6.7 billion pipe dream a reality.
Asa Hutchinson, the former NRA A-rated Congressman who is now running for governor in Arkansas while "employed as a consultant" of the NRA, took the podium Tuesday in Washington, D.C., to outline what he called "recommendations" to a gun lobby that paid "in excess of $1 million" for him and the "National School Shield" task force to create them. The NRA task force's proposals, part of a 225-page document that Hutchinson and the NRA have yet to release, center on an eight-point recommendation on school safety two of which have to do with bringing guns on campus, and three of which revolve around getting permission and funding from state and local officials to make this happen.
Hutchinson and his team had been studying and surveying schools since December, when the NRA's Wayne LaPierre introduced Hutchinson as leading the lobby's school safety efforts in a press conference much wilder than Tuesday's seemingly calm affair. Speaking of so-called School Resource Officers a new name for LaPierre's notorious "good guy with a gun" Hutchinson said Tuesday that "an SRO in every school building is important. Right now you have an SRO in every third building. I would say that is insufficient. Generally there should be at least one in every school campus to reduce the response time." He said that in the report, "there is no specific recommendations on how many SROs or armed personnel" there should be at each school.

I say an armed NRA guard for every child!