Fact Check Please
Last edited Sun Apr 21, 2013, 06:11 PM - Edit history (1)
I am planing on submitting the below as a letter to the editor of my local newspaper and would like to have some fact checks before submitting it.
I am responding to this
Mental health should be the foundation of a firearm background check,not simply walk in a Big 5 or gun show,choose your gun,lay down the money do a surface background check and walk out the door with a gun.
Perhaps a good place to start mental background checks would be with Wayne Lapierre of the NRA.Lapiirre recieved a deferal from service in Vietnam for a medical condition described as a nerveous disorder Mr. Lapirre said he once favored mental background checks and instant background checks at gun shows, he is now against those,he also said he did not want guns in schools what has changed. Problem is there is no negotiating from the NRA point of view, like somehow the 2nd amendment is more sacred than the Bible.
The 18th amendment was repealed so can the 2nd amendment if the voice of 90% who believed change was needed would collectively organize . The conservatives and the NRA should be thanking Majority Leader Reid for this bill not passing. The 54 yes-46 no even though a majority of the Senate said yes to the diluted bill, Reids failure to revert Senate rules back to a more representative government this past January was what defeated this.
Since Sandy Hook the gun lobby has said no to a ban on assault rifles, large capacity clips and won. They now have won on background checks. Yes the bill was a bandage but it also would have been a starting point of a needed national conversation. This country need lots of discussions, a revisit to Citizens United would be a good start.
Obama wants our guns was only a distraction.
Sad that the estimated lives of 38k people this next year will end because the NRA has bought and paid for most of those serving in the Halls of Congress.

(21,599 posts)-spell and grammar check.People often immediately dismiss opinions with errors in those areas
-delete "Problem is there is no negotiating from the NRA point of view, like somehow the 2nd amendment is more sacred than the Bible. " Replace: Why were these proposals consistent with reasonable restrictions on 2A rights previously but now are not acceptable?"
-Delete "The 18th amendment was repealed so can the 2nd amendment if the voice of 90% who believed change was needed would collectively organize ." It strengthens the argument of the person you are replying to, the GC is a slippery slope leading to full prohibition of gun ownership. Unless that is the point of your argument.
-"Obama wants our guns was only a distraction. " follow up: The President has repeatedly voiced his opinion in support of individual gun ownership.
-change "38k people this next year will end" to: over 30k people will end through gun fire in crime, accident or their own hand. Avoid arguments over precise numbers and whether suicide counts or not
-change "bought and paid for most of" to: bought and paid for enough of
-add: Halls of Congress to thwart the will of the People.
Good luck and let us know if it gets published