A New Front for Gun Background Checks: the Ballot
While advocates generally prefer that new gun laws be passed through the legislative process, especially at the national level, they are also concerned about how much sway the National Rifle Association has with lawmakers. Washington Rep. Jamie Pedersen, a Democrat who had sponsored unsuccessful legislation on background checks at the state level, said a winning ballot initiative would make a statement with broad implications.
"It's more powerful if the voters do it as opposed to our doing it," Pedersen said. "And it would make it easier for the Legislature to do even more."
On Monday, proponents of universal background checks in Washington will announce their plan to launch a statewide initiative campaign that would require the collection of some 300,000 signatures, according to a person involved in the initiative planning who spoke on condition of anonymity so as not to pre-empt the official announcement. The Washington Alliance for Gun Responsibility has scheduled a fundraiser in Seattle at the end of next month and hopes to have a campaign budget in the millions of dollars.
Read More: http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/front-gun-background-checks-ballot-19061519#.UX2PJ7tXrMw
It's only new if you haven't been paying attention: the parallel efforts at federal and state levels have been underway for some time now.
If we have to go state by state, we will, and we can.

(11,119 posts)that would have a good chance of beating him?
You'd probably hear the same question in many states.......
(39,665 posts)Missouri has a process: http://www.sos.mo.gov/elections/pubs/makeyourvoiceheard/myvhintro.asp
(25,504 posts)...like they did on concealed-carry and puppy mills. "Well, WE know best!" EFFin' BAS-turds!!
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(7,720 posts)initiative law. (Commonly referred to as 'initiative and referendum'.)
(39,665 posts)And not every state will see success this year. But even if only 5 states adopt strong gun safety laws each year, that's a national sea change in only 10 years.
(7,720 posts)houses of the Minnesota legislature and the governor's office and nothing was done this year. I believe it was the same problem as it was in congress, they started with gun and magazine bans.
(39,665 posts)...One before the Senate Rules Committee, and another awaiting a floor vote in the House.
Have you phoned your representatives?
(7,720 posts)like they are not dead, but they are.
(39,665 posts)Jenoch
(7,720 posts)Mwc33
(2 posts)The VA has accepted a program where veterans with GI Bill benefits can use them to become NRA Firearms Instructors. Why in the heck is the administration going to pay to train merchants of death?
Joseph Ledger
(36 posts)