So, what does the Boston B O M B I N G have to do with
people should have had guns on that day in Boston? Those with guns would have shot who/what??
Are there any Democrats that belong to the NRA AND believe the crap the NRA's leaders are
putting out? They sound so dumb, they must be GOPers.

Buzz Clik
(38,437 posts)Some threads are started here for the sole purpose of entertaining non-progressives who are addicted to this board. They spend hours and hours creating moles, starting disruptive threads, and then watching the results elsewhere while discussing what idiots we are. I outed a mole last night, and had my post hidden by the jury for my trouble. But, it's real.
(Wanna hear the total irony of the my post being hidden? I was told by the admins that it was being hidden because I accused a poster of being a mole. One of the jurors voting to hide my post accused me of being a mole in his justification for his vote. You just can't make this shit up. )
(43,049 posts)I'm on our local Dem committee, have worked on Dem campaigns for years and have been asked to run for office this year.
No one I know around here has heard of DU. Or admits to it.
Now, I don't say there aren't good Democrats here on DU, and I have met many back when we had meetups (including a few who were banned for nonpolitical reasons). But it's really tough to take this place seriously most of the time. Didn't a high-level staffer for the Kerry campaign get drummed out of here a while ago? Seems he wasn't good enough for this place. Or so some thought.
Makes ya wonder...
(53,661 posts)Last edited Sun May 5, 2013, 03:23 PM - Edit history (1)
So they can make articulate posts. But they have no depth of feeling about Democratic values, minority rights, voting, etc. They are dismissive of all Democratic candidates, don't support the Democratic Party platform and never celebrate with us for anything. We do have solid Democrats here, though.
Some get all-Paulite on their 'civil rights' while ignoring the rest or the reason why they can't just do everything they please wherever and whenever they please. Lot of staged outrage put out for them.
OPs are edited just as carefully as Fox News to only highlight the negative. If they make a positive statement about Democrats, they always have a 'but' or dig a yawning pit of despair to fall into immediately. This is classic ratfucking.
Hope you take a chance to run, although be prepared to lose, as most do for the first few times. No Democrat that I associate with knows this place exists. The real and virtual don't mix well, because faux outrage turns folks off, they won't waste their time with it.
It is ratfucking. DU can turn people off politics, make them give into Republicanism and breed Libertarians by creating the 'See, nothing works, so it's dog eat dog, the hell with it' pattern.
Anyone who is spouting NRA points at DU, needs to explain it, and some have, and they have been educated, or clarified their positions. I don't see anyone really going for the NRA stuff but the CT crowd in various ways.
We must have a big tent and we shouldn't run them off. Remember the CoC thing, where local CoC's had to post ads to say they did not support the USCoC in their efforts to screw with elections - they are not all the same. I do not want the diversity of DU to be shut down, nor do I want gun owners to leave. The GOP front group, the national NRA, is not all there is. Mind you, I don't frequent the Gungeon, so I don't have a feel for some of these as perhaps others do. But they are allowed, and the Admins have decided to give the main forums over to Gungeon topics for good, it appears, so they see the value of the Gungeoneers at DU.
But they are not to come here to this group and argue what we want, common sense gun control. If they are talking against lawful process of government, sneer at all Democrats, whine about taxes, or welfare, etc. that's a Teabagger. I think some people don't realize they are Teabaggers, really.
Buzz Clik
(38,437 posts)freshwest
(53,661 posts)Was the mole served pizza?
Buzz Clik
(38,437 posts)Did not return to the scene of the crime. Considering I was the punished, I doubt he was ts'd.
(3,121 posts)by the NRA. Those who believe this crap are Tea baggers and people who listen to beck
(23,156 posts)cameras out there, as if that would have stopped the bombers.
Warren Stupidity
(48,181 posts)We have a coven of hardcore gun radicals here who profess to be democrats..
(53,661 posts)jimmy the one
(2,726 posts)freshwest: You can alert on Jury comments from the message to your Inbox.
Buzz Clik I alerted the decision. Heard nothing.
What do you guys mean by this? alerted the decision, appealed? I'm just a few months here now, had one hidden by 4-2 on a gun issue the gunnuts got the luck of the draw obviously, since there was no serious slur or insult as was 'adjudged'.
I didn't think much of having a post hidden since readers could still read it if they wanted by clicking 'show', just that you were denied posting to that thread, such a wristslap dunno if I can take it.
I mean on old AOL (airheads on line) when you got a tos you got banned for a week or two, here you get to play hide & seek.
This DU I think does do a good job of preventing foul mouthed creepies from posting effers etc & really abusive criticism, since I haven't seen any, must have to do with automatic filtering out of effers but then again I do see some effers when not directed at other posters.
And they do a pretty good job at detecting rightwing nutjobs & trolls.
So I'm not complaining!