Nucla, Colo. Passes Ordinance Making Gun Ownership Mandatory

As much of the nation continues to debate gun control and as Colorado gets ready to implement sweeping new gun control laws just passed in the latest legislative session, one small town in southwest Colorado has decided to go in the opposite direction by passing an ordinance that makes gun ownership mandatory.
Nucla, Colo., about 50 miles south of Grand Junction and with a population of less than 1,000, recently passed an ordinance on a 5-1 vote which requires a head of a household to own a gun, according to the Montrose Daily Press.
The new ordinance does have some exceptions for heads of households who can't legally own a gun or who simply do not want to own a gun.
Bill Long, the lone board member who voted against the measure says it's just a symbolic gesture and that it's just as intrusive as laws that try to limit guns. "Ideologically, it's no different than saying, 'You can't own guns,' Long said to The Associated Press. "If you want less government in our lives, this isn't that. It's a symbolic gesture."

(5,504 posts)Hoyt
(54,770 posts)This is just more proof -- if anyone really needs it -- that gunners, mostly right wing Aholes, really aren't responsible like they tell us.
(5,504 posts)Hoyt
(54,770 posts)Exceptions? Maybe. But even those who don't fit in that category cling to their guns even though they know it means lightly educated bigoted gun owners are standing next to our kids in public, and passing their gun crud down to their kids.
Do you think these Colorado jerks did this for the right/moral reasons?
(5,504 posts)Hoyt
(54,770 posts)You won't find much diversity, or folks pushing liberal ideals.
(5,504 posts)Hoyt
(54,770 posts)Look at NRA convention, check out the Prez Elect Big Jim Something.
(5,504 posts)Hoyt
(54,770 posts)
(5,504 posts)Squinch
(54,519 posts)clarice
(5,504 posts)CreekDog
(46,192 posts)now stinking up this one too?
(5,504 posts)rl6214
(8,142 posts)And welcome to DU.
(5,504 posts)Note to self...ignore Hoyty-Hate.
Response to clarice (Reply #1)
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Response to clarice (Reply #1)
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(32,017 posts)It appears that this law says, "If you want to own a gun, you must own a gun. If you are legally prohibited from owning a gun, or, if you don't want to own a gun, you don't have to, but if you have any desire to own a gun, you must do so."
That's stupid beyond belief.
(47,451 posts)
(17,208 posts)I'd love to challenge my local police department to arrest me for non-compliance. It might happen, too. Nucla is just up the road a ways.
El Supremo
(20,386 posts)

Response to El Supremo (Reply #6)
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(53,661 posts)They'll pretend that this regulation isn't an infringement on 'liberty.'
BTW, I'm not totally awake.
jimmy the one
(2,726 posts)Exceptions for people who simply do not want to own a gun.
-- Wheeee, in other words, a toothless ordinance enacted by 5 of six 2nd amendment legislative whackjobs, simply to maintain the existing status quo in the town - while appearing to create some form of voodoo gun magic to protect from phantom tyrranical boogeymen descending upon the town of nucla colorado trying to take over the govt..
NUCLA, Colorado, where by law you MUST buy a gun --- unless you don't want to.
(54,519 posts)rl6214
(8,142 posts)GreenStormCloud
(12,072 posts)Like this law, they made exceptions for those who couldn't afford one, or who were conscientiously opposed. IOW, nobody really had to buy a gun. The law was a publicity stunt after Morton Grove, Il, (a suburb of Chicago) outlawed all handguns in the city. Kennesaw is a suburb of Atlanta.
Kennesaw has not had a gun death in 25 years. I don't know about Morton Grove. BTW - They lifted the ban after the Heller decision.
jimmy the one
(2,726 posts)gsc: Kennesaw has not had a gun death in 25 years. I don't know about Morton Grove. BTW - They lifted the ban after the Heller decision.
During morton grove's handgun ban period, it consistently had a lower violent crime rate than kennesaws (& later both kennesaw's zip codes) by about 30%, & consistently had a lower property crime rate than kennesaw, sometimes parity in one zip.
Evidently you are correct, I thought it was after mcdonald that MG lifted handgun ban.
gsc: Like this law, they made exceptions for those who couldn't afford one, or who were conscientiously opposed. IOW, nobody really had to buy a gun. The law was a publicity stunt after Morton Grove, Il, outlawed all handguns in the city.
Just a publicity stunt? gunworld sure strutted a lot how the burglary rate fell in kennesaw right after the 'publicity stunt', assigning the stunt's gun requirement the reason for the drop in burg.
wiki: Gun rights activist Kopel has claimed that there is evidence that this gun law has reduced the incident rate of home burglaries citing that in the first year, home burglaries dropped from 65 before the ordinance, down to 26 in 1983, and to 11 in 1984. Another report observed a noticeable reduction in burglary from 1981, the year before the ordinance was passed, to 1999. A 2001 media report stated that Kennesaw's crime rates continued to decline and were well below the national average, making citizens feel safer and more secure. Later research claims that there is no evidence that [the law] reduced the rate of home burglaries [in Kennesaw], even though the overall crime rate had decreased by more than 50% between 1982 and 2005
(12,072 posts)A law that is not enforced and designed to be unenforceable, amounts to nothing more than a publicity stunt. Their goal was to flip the bird to MG, and by extension to gun banners, nothing more.
I said nothing about crime rates. Many factors go into a local's crime rate such that gun ownership is impossible to isolate as a factor. I simply noted that they haven't had any gun deaths. However, most small communities don't have gun deaths in any given year, or decade for that matter. Outside of large cities gun deaths are fairly rare.
jimmy the one
(2,726 posts)gsc: I said nothing about crime rates.
That's immaterial. If you say it's a publicity stunt then gun guru kopel has no right to claim it was a reason for a drop in burglary rates in kennesaw soon after implementation. Nor does the kennesaw cop I cite below, nor anyone else.
gsc: A law that is not enforced and designed to be unenforceable, amounts to nothing more than a publicity stunt. Their goal was to flip the bird to MG, and by extension to gun banners, nothing more.
I don't disagree it wasn't some kind of hocus pocus, perhaps to counter da grove, but here is what an apparent kennesaw cop said back then: Police Lt. Craig Graydon said: When the Kennesaw law was passed in 1982 there was a substantial drop in crime {untrue, burg rates went down}
and we have maintained a really low crime rate since then. We are sure it is one of the lowest (crime) towns in the metro area.a progun link tho, mostly propaganda:
gsc: I simply noted that they haven't had any gun deaths. However, most small communities don't have gun deaths in any given year, or decade for that matter. Outside of large cities gun deaths are fairly rare.
City crime comparison tables prior to 2008 heller, are pretty much gone now, & only list post 2008 stats, but I had followed the comparisons for about 10-15 yrs & Morton Grove consistenly outperformed Kennesaw in violent crime (~30% lower) & property crime, & parity in murder (as you say so little it was under 2 or 3 in each city yearly, iirc).
The crime rate stats between the two cities have been similar to the 2010 stats below, for the whole time I've been observing, with the exception that kennesaw has since split into 2 zips & for one property crime about parity (but MG slightly better), the other MG about 30% less property crime:
2010 Crime Rate Kennesaw, GA Morton Grove, IL US
Total Crime Risk ...56 ..........35 ........100
Murder Risk ........27 ..........15 ........100
Rape Risk ..........46 ..........42 .........100
Robbery Risk .......38 ..........15 .........100
Assault Risk .......16 ..........47 .........100
Burglary Risk ......54 ..........41 ........100
Larceny Risk .......64 ..........83 .........100
AutoTheft Risk .....67 ..........33 .........100
(12,072 posts)A law that is passed for one reason can have unintended results. It is possible that the hollow gun ownership requirement may, or may not, have also caused, a drop in crime, even though the intention was as a publicity stunt.
As a publicity stunt it worked, as Kennesaw has been talked about for that law for the 31 years since then.
It is impossible to prove that the law had any effect, one way or another, on crime. I will not get sucked into that discussion.
jimmy the one
(2,726 posts)gsc: Your logic is in error. A law that is passed for one reason can have unintended results. It is possible that the hollow gun ownership requirement may, or may not, have also caused, a drop in crime, even though the intention was as a publicity stunt.
How convenient. So gun gurus can give credit to guns when crime rates drop, then contend the law was not intended to improve anything, if crime doesn't drop. How convenient.
It is impossible to prove that the law had any effect, one way or another, on crime. I will not get sucked into that discussion.
You just called gun guru kopel (amongst others) a liar. He can't give credit to guns if it's impossible to tell, right? thank you.
Gun rights activist Kopel has claimed that there is evidence that this gun law has reduced the incident rate of home burglaries citing that in the first year, home burglaries dropped from 65* before the ordinance, down to 26 in 1983, and to 11 in 1984.
Another report observed a noticeable reduction in burglary from 1981, the year before the ordinance was passed, to 1999. A 2001 media report stated that Kennesaw's crime rates continued to decline and were well below the national average, making citizens feel safer and more secure. Later research claims that there is no evidence that reduced the rate of home burglaries , even though the overall crime rate had decreased by more than 50% between 1982 and 2005
* It's alleged (& likely true, see previous post) that this 65 (other source says 55) burglary figure was inflated by the town's mayor, an avid supporter of the gun law, to transmogrify comparison 'before-after' figures.
(12,072 posts)I get to think for myself.
jimmy the one
(2,726 posts)2003 actual crime figures comparison. --- Note small totals.
In 2003, Morton Grove had 2 murders and Kennesaw 1.
In 2003, Morton Grove had 4 robberies 7 in Kennesaw.
In 2003, Morton Grove had 12 aggravated assaults 15 in Kennesaw.
In 2003, Morton Grove had 70 burglaries 89 in Kennesaw.
In 2003, Morton Grove had 390 incidents of larcency and theft 455 in Kennesaw
another source: (year after kennesaw law passed ~1982) - Burglaries in Kennesaw did not change significantly, while Morton Groves burglary rate fell by 4.5 burglaries per month. (See McDowall et al Criminology v29 p541-560 (1991). But at the time late 80's kennesaw had lower overall burg rate.
.. McDowall report: There is a curious discrepancy between the number of burglaries reported by Kennesaws mayor in interviews cited by Kleck (1988) and Schmidt (1987) and the number of burglaries reported by Kennesaws police department to the FBIs Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) system.
The mayor claimed to Schmidt, for example, that there were 55 residential burglaries in 1981, before he law was passed. This is greater than the total number of all burglaries residential and otherwise reported by the police dept to the UCR. Given the mayors spirited advocacy of the ordinance and the apparent differences in the figures he provided we believe the UCR counts are the more accurate of the two.
Note, mayor cited 55 kennesaw burgs ~1981/82, but from above link: In 2003, Morton Grove had 70 burglaries 89 in Kennesaw.
(15,396 posts)life, and home I think laws like this are just plain dumb.
Everyone who cares about self defense and safety of their family already invest in personal protection devices without local agencies telling them to.
Starboard Tack
(11,181 posts)Guns are not personal protection devices, they are tools designed to kill. They may be used for personal protection, but so may a hammer.
I agree that all should have the means to protect themselves and their family and, under certain circumstances, I can see a gun, or a hammer, being used for that purpose. However, neither one is designed to be a "personal protection device".
Let's aim for a little more honesty and less euphemistic bullshit.
Seatbelts, airbags, PFDs, pepper spray, bug spray and sunscreen are personal protection devices. Capisci?
(12,072 posts)We who support RKBA should back off from using euphemisms. We should state the naked truth boldly.
Starboard Tack
(11,181 posts)Nothing sounds more ridiculous than calling a gun a "safety tool", or "self protection device". A gun is a gun, not a fucking condom.
(12,072 posts)Check out the other group.