Yesterdays SCOTUS rule, has one silver lining- Shortly, we can now more easily, reinterpret the 2nd.
I know this is not overly apparent.
But, they took a major right away yesterday, and the rightwing bushpaulfamilyinc. won a big victory getting rid of a basic Constitutional right.
That being the case, and being taken back to the past, one day in the next few years, the court shall change.
and when the court changes, now it will easily be able to just reinterpret the 2nd, as the VRA was reinterpreted yesterday.
People forget that Heller was a reinterpretation anyhow.
Again, it is not apparent, and people won't focus on this (after all, most of the crap that is happening is 100% because of
guns/immigration and the demographic change that will sweep the old out in the next couple of cycles (and at which time all lost yesterday will be restored),
but the end of the NRA and the end of the insanity of guns/bullets in the hands of private citizens (some of whom want to overthrow the government, or have no government) is quickly coming to an end
(quick in historical terms does not mean this week month or year.)
I for one can't wait.
The flood gates have been opened.

(39,157 posts)graham4anything
(11,464 posts)When one thinks of all the important things like the Zimmy trial, like yesterdays ruling, like the immigration reform eventually coming (whether this house or the next), everything is being done to stave off the demographic change.
And the almighty gun is the biggest thing going for the rightwing extremists and the Ron Paul groups.
Don't tread on them means don't touch their guns.
They say it as if it is etched in stone.
Yesterday, something etched in stone was taken away.
Tomorrow, their guns will be history, like who is it? Japan and Australia did.
Because every single right and tenet of the USA is broken when someone shoots and kills or mames someone with a gun
and bullet.
There are no freedoms for Trayvon Martin.
All because of the 2nd and the NRA (who is so hoping zimmy is not found guilty) and the gun and the bullet.
It is going to happen, but how many shall die by then is the only question.
and it is good to see Joe Biden is loud and vocal on this.
(and Markey winning in a landslide yesterday in a race that was suppose to be a nailbiter, is a harbinger of things to come for the democratic party (especially as Markey was not a very good campaigner, and the other guy ran a stealth campaign making people think he was opposite of what he was).
(39,157 posts)Suppose Ginsberg is replaced with another Scalia clone? And Breyer?
(11,464 posts)billh58
(6,650 posts)The right-wing influence on the American population is indeed waning, and with it the propensity for violence. As sanity returns, and the unfettered proliferation of all things gunz is curtailed, we will be on the true road to becoming a civilized country.